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My old Kingfisher [Lucille] is the same way.

I did several things to make it better, but not inside the chamber.

Face your Kooker into the wind.

When you can't get enough wind, set a small fan in front of the firebox damper.

Put the bigger pieces of meat that need more cooking time, towards the front.

Rotate the meat as needed after probing.

Rotate your racks end for end , 2/3 way through through your cook, if you are doing a large piece, like a split hog.

Keep your heat inlets on the bottom, clean. Mine always got plugged from dripping grease and meat chunks. The newer models have a removable drip pan and heat intake that slids out from back for easy clean-up.

I want to replace my old, burned out drip pan with the new style.

Good Luck! Roger

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