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A while back, the owner of the facility I work at asked me if I would be willing to "cook a couple of briskets for the staff" and some "hot dogs and burgers" for the residents. This thing kept growing and it ended up being 8 briskets, 32 chicken halves, 50 burgers and about 60 or 70 dogs. It was a blast!!

Special diets for one meal were cast to the winds. Except for the purees. Meaning salt, and stuff like that. Facility provided the meat for me, family members and the facility kitchen provided the trimmings.

I quartered the halves after I smoked them and all that was left was 3 chix 1/4's (dark meat). The sight of those people chowin down was something else. Some of them told me that they hadn't had brisket for years. And this was a Texas crowd.

I remember having read a while back in another Forum where maybe some one was doing this through the auspices of KCBS? I don't recall. But if you have a opportunity to do something like this, I would do it.
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Heck Bill, he mighta been cookin' for you and me.

Not tryin to start no crap, seein as how I have never been properly introduced...

Bill, I have never seen you in person But I have checked out your website; Tom, I did see you at a FE cookin class. Now I do have an opinion as to who has a leg up on who will be cooked for first, but, I'm gonna keep it to myself.

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