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I realize I'm in Cookshack Country here and that is why I'd like to ask a couple of questions. For those of you who now own a CS, was there any reason beyond the cost of the bisquettes or the sliding thermostat (of the Bradley) that led you to choose the CS? I'm comparing the two and looking for clear advantages of the CS over the Bradley other than the two above. Did any of you ever use or own a Bradley? Thanks for any input you can offer!
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I bought a Cookshack because I wanted to buy a smoker that didn't require much of my time, was built bomb-proof and rugged enough to last a lifetime. And with such a sizable investment, I wanted a company that stands behind their product with no b.s.

The beauty in it is its simplicity, yet ability to consistently turn out a superior product with little effort.

No, I never owned a Bradley, just an el-cheapo Brinkman charcoal smoker. Life is much better now.

Finally, this forum is another reason I purchased the product. By searching the archives or occasionally posting a question, I always get an answer to any question I have about smoking ANYTHING in the Smokette.

Am I happy camper? Yes.
mamba- we ordered our Smokette at the Fiery Foods show in Albuquerque after looking at both CS and Bradley there. Knowing little about smoking except wanting ease of operation and good food, we chose CS. Husband did not like the idea of one more mechanical part to give us problems (the fuel system) and having only one fuel available. With our 008 if I have electricity and a piece of wood, I'm in business. Haven't had a bad meal yet from this smoker and am very pleased with our decision to get the CS.

There are a lot of much more experienced users here who will be able to give you better comparisons.

I know you indicated that you wanted reasons other than cost of the bisquettes, but I don't know if people really think this one through. On the Bradley web site, a box of 48 bisquettes costs $15.89 plus shipping. That box will provide 16 hours of smoke. That is more than $1 an hour for smoke! And in the case of a pork butt, the smoke will cost more than the meat. In all seriousness, I don't understand how anyone could rationalize the purchase of a unit that costs this much to operate.

Buy the Cookshack, its a no brainer.

I'll tell you one thing. You Cookshack people are a vocal bunch! I've posted this same message around a few different sites and gotten a couple of replies, but nothing like here. You sold me just on input alone. Plus, I like the fact there are so many of you to ask questions and you seem dedicated to your smoker. Thanks very much for taking the time to respond.
I think I started that and I think you are right! I should have just said little pieces of preformed wood that cost a lot of money!

BTW, how does the CS get so much smoke flavor out of so little wood. Everyone says a little goes a long way. Is it because there is little or no flame?
Bradley is a Canadian company and that's how they spell it. In reality they are compressed wooden "biscuits" or maybe they should call them pucks.

As for the smoke quantity, my guess is that it just smolders and never really flames. Think of it like a cigar, not alot of volume, but they can sure put out a lot of smoke.

Have you seen 1/4" cedar panels that people use to line their closets? The bisquettes are like that material, full of chips and a binder product, and cut into round blanks that are stacked like poker chips in a mechanical device that feeds them to a heater that also is the smoke source. I looked at those and said, "No way" do I want to mess with that. They were expensive, too! Because of work and my schedule, I don't use my CS as much as I might, but I really like it and am happy to have purchased it.
we decided on a cookshack after going to the nbbqa convention in atlanta this year. i was originally going to buy a backwoods or southern yankee unit since southern pride and ole hickory were way out of line with our startup costs.
why did i decide on cookshack which wasn't even on the list? number one john spent a lot of time with us and pointed out that an fec100 would meet competition standards, which i wanted to do, but as my wife was afraid why not take alook at an sm150 which he felt would be great for catering. after spending time with patty and dan (man i hope i got their names right) peggy loved the controls!!!!! but the most impressive thing about cookshack was they were the only manufacturers that never told us how to get around food laws and florida has got some of those!!!!
so to be honest cookshacks upfront honesty and the way they spent so much time with us was what decided it for us!!!!!
now if the trailer maker can come thru on the 30th i will be happy since my cookshacks shipped on time and complete one month ago to him and i cant cook on them Frowner i'll be happy Big Grin but to be fair trailer tech does offer a great product too and i am somewhat happy alex and those guys are doing so well Wink
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
ps and yes i am a chef in a prison lol
Another reason to purchase a cookshack is the ability to cook slow and low. I am not an experienced cook. However last evening we served an 8lb. prime rib that my guests said was the best they had ever eaten. I also thought it was really good. Thanks also to my butcher and the recipe I got from the fourm!
I have had my 009 for over a year now and the results are excellent. I have no Bradley experience but have tried other types of smoker and it seemed to me either I could be "married" to the supplier for their little what nots to keep the meat tasting good or I could buy the cookshack and pay the electric bill. I chose the later hope this helps...
Why did I buy my CS???? Which one? Well I bought my first 008 to do venison sausage and soon reralized it does Q much better. Then I took about a month to read up on this forum and study the fine art of Q . I looked at the bradley and really didnt want to be restricted to the wood I use. As for my second smokette I found an awsomeeeee deal and could not pass it up. I wanted the capacity of the 50 but the price of another 008. So the second 008 won. Now I can do twice the product or two completely different cooks at once. Life is good. OH did I mention the customer service????
I've had my Smokette for almost a year now and I wouldn't have any other smoker.

Why did I choose a CS? Mainly because of the positive responses from previous owners. Not only as to the quality of the product, but also the quality of the bbq it produces, and last but not least, the way CS stands behind what they sell.

I started out doing bbq using a Brinkmann water smoker and everything I learned was from this forum. Never had a failure. However, it was very difficult doing bbq in the winter...I live in New England.

After awhile I became a little jealous reading how little "babysitting" there was with the CS units and knew that was the next step up for me.

Have not been disappointed. I love this smoker, and winter bbq'ing is now as easy as doing it on a warm summer afternoon.
mamba and others of this great forum,

I see that people speak from with out really knowing. A few words about the Bradley. Yes you buy "pucks" and they do cost money. But the referance to how long you use them is incorrect. Typically you use anywhere from 2 tro 4 hours of smoke. And yes they smolder and not bring flames, which gives your a time after time quality to your smoke flavor. As far as a free and easy smoker, this smoke fits the bill also. It really keeps a consistant temp WITH OUT having to opening the door. And can we all say VENT together, no need to open the door to release moisture. Also there is no need to LINE WITH FOIL, cleaning is breeze and has made smoking a joy for me. OK, OK, before you rhrough me off, the cook shack is a good smoker also, I am sure it will come down to a preferance thing. But, don't slam the pucks, if you haven't tried them in a Bradley don't smack'em, you might be surprised on the flavor. Also, it reaaly comes to freinds and fun, which ever smoker you use, just have fun with your freinds.

Perryville, AR

With Regards, a from Bradley dude.
HELLOooo MallardWacker from a fellow Arkie! Nobody here's gonna rough ya up. They are wonderful people willing to share Q experiences, ideas, recipes and whatever. In my opinion, this is the best BBQ forum, bar none.

On the issue of the bisquettes, you are correct that I have no experience with them. My point is though that I wwould rather be able to go to my local Wally World and buy a bag of wood, or better yet, go out in the back yard and pick up a few pieces of oak or hickory than to "possibly" rely on a manufactured item. Just my opinion though, not looking for a scuffle.

Any way, Welcome to the forum! Love dem hawgs!!!
The CS is Idiot proof -- I am a prime example --I have a 009 and a 55 --- with these and help from people like smoking okie and tom -- and others who never fail to help individuals like me. this forum is why I purchased the CS and it was the best move I have made in a long time. I am going to buy my 3 kids one for Christmas. thanks everyone

I'm thinking, those three "younguns" will just have to figure out how to time-share that Cookshack or move in together. LOL Oh, do you mean to tell me each of the three children get a Cookshack? Are you in the mood to adopt? All kidding aside, if you can afford it, that would be a super nice gift that would be appreciated for years to come.

Happy Trails

Good to see a fellow hawg lover around. There isn't any over on the Bradley Forum. It was nice to see that the hammer didn't come down on me being a Bradley owner. To tell you all, life is way to short to get your hair pinned back over smoker issues. I just love smoking, period.(Even though I bought a the most superior smoker on the market) I know-had to fit something in some where. I have been hanging out here for the past couple months or so, looks like you all have a great bunch of folks here. Now that I went and got a login, I'l looking forward in putting my two cents worth around here. Y'all have a great day.

Here is the final and best reason for buying a Cookshack.
For those of you that have been following our threads in professionals,"took the plunge friday" and "trailer tech delievery delays" you know what we have ran up against. But what you may not be aware of is we we also running up against the 90 day warranty. I sent an email to customer service and explained the problem and you won't believe their response.
Cookshack will start my warranty when I pick up our rig!!!!! I offered to send a copy of the bill of sale to prove the delievery date and was told that they wouldn't require that, all I had to do was email them on pick up date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is why I bought an SM150 and FEC100 from them and the only only people I know that equal them is zippo lighters!!!!!!!
jack and peggy percifield
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!
p.s. Thanks cookshack!!!! this is one last thing we don't have to worry about!!!!
Regardless of the "warranty period" Mallard, if you look through the archives, you'll see instances of where, YEARS later, CS has replaced a part because it's the right thing to do. Doesn't happen with every part and every user, but it does happen. Don't think Bradley replaces parts for free after the warranty period.


How them HOGS gonna treat Texas when they come to F'Ville?
We want so badly to be there! We were trying to figure out how many feet we'd need to put up our tent and getting more and more depressed about the trailer delay. Staying at the Howard Johnson sounds good to me. Can you use extra help with your team or do you know another team that could use help? We'd be glad to help out in any way we can. I imagine I could haul water or something. I will send in the entry now. I feel better. I definitely want to do the judges school and Jack wants to go to the cook team school. September 3 is my birthday and I want to do it right!
I Had a bradley, I used it once then sold it. I think bradley is overdesigned. The smoke part only needs to happen the first 2 hours or so then it is just cooking, so why a puck feeder, control unit whatever?? You must buy their expensive pucks (bisquette). I had the optional bradley cover which was a joke. It faded in just a couple of months and was so light that I laid it down and it was gone with the wind! I did not like the thermostat control or lack thereof. I do not think a Bradley will even work if the ouside temp is below 50 deg.

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