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I know, this isn't smoking, but...

Any suggestions on how long to cook a 20 lb corned beef in my enameled cast iron pot in the oven. I will just cover it with water a little over the meat and let it go at about 200 degrees. I have done smaller ones for a few hours, but never really paid attention. The 20 pounder will take some prep, say overnight.

I have read some info on the net where some would say about an hour a pound. Does that sound right? Any insight would be appreciated.
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Thanks Smokin, just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.

I am not gonna smoke it because my Darling Daughter says, "must we have everything smoked?!" I try to keep it to once a week, other than jerky and almonds, so my kids don't get tired of it.

Just doing our traditional thing. I have other small sized CBs that I will defrost and have just for us on another day and try them smoked.
If you are willing to drive, you are more than welcome Randy Big Grin

The link above is where I came across the article about cooking the corned beef. What he has to say makes sense in reference to maintaining moisture and not losing a huge percentage of the meat.

I don't mind doing an overnight cook and I have a leCreuset goose pot that should fit it. Looks like I traded my smoker for my oven for this cook as far as time of cook is concerned.

MaxQ, I have done my smaller CBs the way u mentioned, except for cutting because they were smaller they always came out good.

I will be patient and give this long cook a try. I will weigh it afterwards and see how much loss I had.
Max,being a higly trained professional chef gives the advice that other pros have used for a century.

Like he says,your meat fork should pass thru easily in about four hrs.

The other approach will be the same as a large "crockpot" and I'd say the shrinkage would be comparable to Max's approach.

If you do the other approach,we'd sure be interested in hearing the results.
Love to help you with this one as I've catering experience and chef experience. In 1999 a friend I did the monthly church potlucks with asked me to help him do his daughter's wedding. This was a vegetarian church, but we had a lot of juice with the pastor. His daughter, 45 at the time, was to wed an Irishman not of our faith and they wanted to do their wedding on St. Patrick's Day (his name is Patrick) and they wanted a traditional corned beef dinner.

So we got 40 pounds of corned beef briskets from a very good German place in Mountain View. Using really large aluminum roasting pans we layered down quartered cabbages, bias cut carrots, turnips, celery and red potatoes in the bottom of the pot. Laid in sprigs of fresh rosemary and thyme from his yard and then vegetable stock and white wine. Then laid in the briskets on top of these huge "rafts" of vegetables. The briskets we criss cross cut the fat cap and smothered with spicy mustard and the pickling spice which we bought in bulk. The roasting pans were covered in foil and roasted at 400 degrees until the briskets had an internal temp of 170 (this was to satisfy his wife's resistance to eating meat). The smell of those roasted vegetables, the herbs, stock and wine and the briskets was heavenly.

My friend got to be in his daughter's wedding while I did the work. All my friend's brothers and nephews are in the restaurant business and they also brought their own specialties. I did salads, desserts and the corned beef. I also hand carved 40 lbs of corned beef that day. It turned out really good. It was an amazing feast. The corned beef rested about an hour before carving and was fall apart tender.

Let me also share my baking bag corned beef dinner recipe with you which I just posted a few minutes ago. For home use this is really easy. In Fact, make your daughter do it. It'll take her 10 minutes to put it together and she'll feel so pround, it's really foolproof.
Last edited by bigmikeinnj
Mike, thanks so much for sharing that story and the recipes.

The 20 lber will be going into a large pot this time, but I have smaller ones in the freezer that I am gonna try your recipe in the bag on. My daughter likes to help in the kitchen, so she will enjoy that!!! Will do the potato salad then as well.

I am gonna make your special sauce for tomorrow. I think I will do it today and let it sit over night to deepen the flavors. Anything with horseradish and sour cream has to be yummy!

What proportions of veggie stock and white wine did you use? I tried one with beer once and it was good as well, but the wine will be good this time because I have big wine fans coming. I am gonna do the carrots on the bottom as you suggested but the cabbage and potatoes are gonna be roasted.
Vicki, thank you for the compliments.
Now if you are doing it in a big hotel sized roasting pan use half wine half stock, you want about an inch of liquid in the pan. Then all the vegetables, ALL the vegetables. They really roast up nicely and fall apart. Same goes for the baking bag corned beef recipe. You wan that big raft of vegetables under the meat and they are marvelous. My wife isn't crazy about meat, but man she'll sure eat all those vegetables. Now if you do either the big roasting pan or baking bag version SAVE all the liquid and make soup with it - think about all the vegetable, wine, stock and meat flavors in it. I usually do a Roman Bean soup or lentils with it. Really very tasty.
The sauce I do 50/50, my and salt and pepper generously. Good to let it rest a day. My wife prefers I now use Greek Yoghurt for it and it comes out nice if you salt it well. Again thanks and good luck - let your daughter do the baking bag recipe, it's the bomb. There's no work once you get it in the oven and clean up is a snap.
Originally posted by Vicki B:
Awesome! I will be using my LeCreuset pot. It is the biggest one they make, called a Goose Pot.
Thanks for the tip on saving the liquid, I will freeze it for later use!

I just looked that up on eBay, that is a monster, 15 quarts. With that heavy weight and nice lid that will surely do the job. Nice... (read that as VERY ENVIOUS).
I got it on ebay about 5 years ago. The women I bought it from orders direct from France. I just remember it was the least expensive I could find it on the internet, also, that big of a pot doesn't come up for sale at HomeGoods or other places like that! I did get the 7 1/2 qt. version of it at HomeGoods a couple years ago. They are great pots, but that big one must weigh like 40lbs or so. I am 45 now, but when I get older.....Not easy getting it in and out of the oven when filled! Hubby has to do that! At the time it was a Christmas present. Oh, I am making the sour cream sauce as we speak, was just making sure I had the recipe right. I quadrupled it Big Grin
I'm an all cast iron guy. I got maybe 20 pans and pots, all cast iron. The only exception is an old Revere Ware 3 qt pot I remember my Dad buying my Mom in the 50's. That and a Calaphon wok.

I have 4 or 5 Descoware pans, these were the ones Julia Child made famous in America back in the late 50s, she used them on her show. Then Le Creuset bought them up. I have a 5 qt pot I use for just about all my dishes, and a 7 qt oval roaster. Love that.

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