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vincenzo: I'll chip in, since it's a little quiet out here. let's do the math together.

If: pork shoulders cost about $1 per lb.
and If: there is about 50 percent shrinkage
and If: the CS 150 can do a whole butt load of butts for very little fuel cost...
then: your pulled pork will cost about $2 per lb, plus the costs of fuel, rub and sauce. so maybe that would be about $3 per lb max.
then: your cost is about 0.18 per oz.
but: you should plan on a 6 oz sanbdwich, plus the cost of a bun (maybe a pickle slice?)
so: maybe about $1.20 per sandwich???
so: You might charge about 4X or 5X retail, for about $5 or $6?
you need to find out what you'll pay for the meat... depending on supplier, quantity, etc. factor in fuel, rub (not insignificant), sauce (home made or purchased), and time/labor. varies depending on the meat cost. chickens are cheap. so is pulled pork. brisket can vary widely around the country. spares, not too bad. baby backs, higher.

We have a "pros only" forum near the bottom of the main page. This is where you should ask these questions, since the restaurant owners and caterers hang out there and I know they've discussed this topic.

I'll move it soon, just wanted to let you know where it was moving to.

One more add on to the good advice above.

Along with several others down here,I have been weighing net pulled pork from some of the cooker full cooks.

We all seem to be getting about 45% net yield,if we slow cook and render well.

If you only cook to 170�-175�, slice or chop,you might get as high as 60% yield.

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