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I noticed that some time earlier somebody posted that their credit card transactions are processed by E Payment Consultants out of Destin, Florida. Well, I've had my business in operation since Nov 15th, 2003 and I've been using E Payment Consultants as well. Although it takes a week to get our funds credited to our account (which, from what I hear, is WAY longer than it should be) I never had any problems with that company until recently. One of our customers decided she wanted to free up her credit limit so she arranged for an unwarranted chargeback in the amount of $807 (I'm not blaming E Payment for that since it was NOT their fault). When I noticed the chargeback I phoned E Payment to find out why our account had been charged $807 and they explained it was due to a customer chargeback. 3 weeks later there were 3 week old items (totalling over $2,900) which we had not yet been credited for. I phoned and their employee, Wendy, told me those funds were being held because of the chargeback! She released all but just over $900 and told me to fax her evidence that our account had been charged the $807 which I did the same Thursday that She told me to do that. When I returned the following Tuesday (this past Tuesday) from traveling I looked and saw we had still not been credited the $900+ that they were holding so I called Wendy and she assured me we would have that in our account the following day (Wednesday). That didn't happen so I faxed her a letter scolding her for the apparent theft of our approx. $900 and, again, faxed a copy of our bank statement proving that we had been charged the $807 on April 28th (22 days ago) and demanded they credit us the balance they were holding on the following day (Thursday). It's now Friday night and they STILL have not credited us that money!! My advise to ANYONE who is using E Payment Consultants is to IMMEDIATELY drop them and go with somebody else (I'm going with Nova Services which, supposedly, is the largest in that industry and is owned by US Bank). Sorry for such a long post, but I just wanted to warn everyone not to use E Payment Consultants!
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willy, thanks for the post. i have been using e payment co. for about 18 months now. i have yet to experience any problems like yours, but will sure be on the look out for a better co. i dont understand the long wait for you to get your funds. my sales are in my account 48 hours after batch every time. one time, i mistakenly swiped a customers card as a return instead of as a sale. i called them and they fixed it while i was on the phone. sure enough, the next monthly statement it was fixed.
my only beef so far, is the high price machine, and all the charges for everything. its like they sell you toilet paper and then, charge you for every sheet you use after you already bought the whole roll.
however, the credit card machine has doubled my business, to say the least.
there was a guy a couple weeks ago trying to sell me a contract. not sure what company he is with, but supposedly they buy out your original contract from e consultants, and sell you theirs, which they claim they dont charge you all those monthly fees. me, being weary, didnt bite. my friend down the street did, and i have yet to find out how it is working for him.
good luck with the charge back, and thanks for the heads up!
We use card services international which is one of the biggest. We don't have a contract and the money is in the bank in 48 hours. No nickel and diming.

As our phone is voice over IP we wanted a pure IP credit card machine which took some doing but it is super fast and is also a ATM, Debit and gift card machine and cost us $310.

90% of catering and a third of retail is on credit card.

Internet phone is tricky as you need to get a router that gives the phone priority (Linksys WRT54G). Once I got that figured out the phone service over our hi speed cable connection has been excellent and it is only $25 home and $50 for work per month with unlimited local and long distance. The basic $50 vonage box was hopeless until I got the router figured out. The router is under $100. The only warning is while a fax works great with vonage I could not get a dial up credit card machine to work with it. The saving from new equipment for a pure internet credit card machine versus what traditional land line costs made for a 100% ROI in 90 days.

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