I love jerky, absolutely love it. When I was younger and would go out of town for work we would stop at every gas station that had 2 for $6 bags of Jack Links and bill it to the company, gotta keep you protein up! Anyways, now I want to make my own jerky so I think it is finally time to look at some dehydrators.
Are there any no nonsense dehydrators that you all would recommend for someones first time? I have read about doing it in the oven, but I want to do this continually (especially in hunting season) so a dehydrator would suit me best. Any recommendations welcome

No dehydrator for me. Instead I am now the proud owner of a BBQ smoker that I found on http://www.used.forsale/barbecue-smoker-used-for-sale and as the guy who sold it to me is giving up smoking (weirdo) he gave me a bunch of nice wood chips to go with it. Now all I gotta do is get me some meat