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thanks for responding Smokin' Okie.
I want to put out the best quality pulled pork I can, for sure. So ...

1/you are saying that I could hold the pulled pork in the FEC100 all day & it would be safe?

2/I won't need to hold all day but I will need to use the FEC100 for holding some of the time as my rethermalizer is ordered but hasn't arrived! How long do you think I can hold before the quality is affected.
It would depend on how you have treated the PB', are you wrapping in foil, are you wrapping in plastic wrap or just leaving them naked?

I would think if you vented the pbs for a while to stop the cooking and plastic wrap with commercial wrap( to keep from drying out), before one layer of foil,they would hold real well all day in the smoker.

It will be food safe as long as you hold above 140ish(135*), but it WILL dry out if it is pulled, so only do one at a time,IMO!
Last edited by cal 2
Originally posted by rustbucket:
1/you are saying that I could hold the pulled pork in the FEC100 all day & it would be safe?

2/.. How long do you think I can hold before the quality is affected.

As long as the meat temp is above 140, the Health Dept will be happy and you CAN hold it all day, but you won't want them.

Quality is another issue. I've not held in a 100 for more than 4 hours or so. As Cal said, the issue would be how you hold. In foil, in pans, in plastic, all have good and bad. You could also hold a batch and if it's a long day, reheat a batch for later serving.
While I don't hold in my 100, I pull after a few minutes of rest, plastic wrap in 2 lb "Q-balls" and then wrap in foil. Will hold all day without any dramatic affect in quality if you keep it below 180 degrees, preferably around 160. Even of it starts to dry out, Okie's reheat sauce will rehydrate with a nice flavor spike also.

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