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UPDATE< I just got my FEC100 up and running. You may remember me posting a while back about it showing up on my doorstep damaged. I unwrapped what looked like good packaging and when I got to the unit the door was caved in bad and the hinges looked bent. I bought the FEC from Dave the owner of The Charcoal Store. He is a up and up guy. He contacted my right away and asked for measurements on my door. I gave them to him. He told me he had one in stock off another unit and was sending it to me right away with a return shipping label for the damaged door. I got the new door today and it was perfect and fits nice. Very tight seal with no leaks. Dave as well told me if the door he was sending didn't fit that they would have a new one made to the specs of the damaged door I was sending back, less the dents of course! (:>Wink Well I ran it tonight after a good cleaning and it ran gr8. Now I need to find something to cook on it. Thanks all on here and thanks Dave from The Charcoal Store.
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Hi, I was thinking just as you are and when asked for measurements I was wondering big time. I was told that even thoe they all look the same, that each unit is a custom built one off and the measurements can differ just enough as far as hinges go etc that the doors are a bit different. Luckily, my replacement door did fit. It was a bit tight on latching but I did some light tweaking and it is fine now. Later.
Originally posted by Yellow-03:
Interesting. Someday I'd like to visit the factory and see them made. I wonder if that is done during the Fast Eddy cooking class?

No, they actually shut down to make room enough. There were 60+ people in this year's class.

You get a walk through, but for insurance/safety reasons you wouldn't be watching one built.

they are all hand built (with machines just cutting the metal/bending it)
Originally posted by Yellow-03:
I don't understand the part about asking for the measurements on the size of the door. If it's a new FEC-100 they don't come in different sizes, so why would anyone need measurements? What am I missing here?

Glad you're up and running. I'm sure you'll enjoy cooking with it.


After talking with Bill at Cookshack he explained to me that each unit is hand built and even though they have a avarage spec for the unit when they are placing the lock and hinges they can variate enough witch in fact by measuring the door at the areas of concern, Cookshack would make sure that your door fits correctly the first time.... Hand Fabercation varieates between units a bit.. so what nutrientcobra1 was saying was very true..

Long live Cookshack and fellow smokers, since i am a total novice im still learning its done whens its done............


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