Here's my first batch, some red some green, which my wife and I scarfed down in a hurry. They were delicious. Just chiles, cream cheese, a little rub and bacon. Next time I'll try a little pulled pork or other meat inside as some folks do.
After BBQing for nearly three years, I finally got around to learning what the fuss is over those ABTs.
Here's my first batch, some red some green, which my wife and I scarfed down in a hurry. They were delicious. Just chiles, cream cheese, a little rub and bacon. Next time I'll try a little pulled pork or other meat inside as some folks do.

Here's my first batch, some red some green, which my wife and I scarfed down in a hurry. They were delicious. Just chiles, cream cheese, a little rub and bacon. Next time I'll try a little pulled pork or other meat inside as some folks do.
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