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Thanks to GLH and all the others on the forum as I have read pages before the purchase of my 009.

Two 8 lb Boston Butts from Sams. After the initial seasoning of the smoker I smoked each one seperate in case I wanted to adjust for the second one. the first one took 21 hrs with an initial 200* overnight and 225* the next day three chunks of Hickory. Didn't get er pulled until 199* internal looked great very very tender, too light on smoke. Slightly dry.

The second one sat with rub on it for 24 hrs and I set the 009 for 225* for the duration.I pulled it at an interal temp of 185* which was 16 hrs. 4 larger chunks of apple this time. Turned out more moist more smoke. I rubbed a little brown sugar on it before putting it in to smoke. That was stupid. What a mess although not all that bad just a lot of buildup on the wood box roof. Nice bark on both.

All things considered not too bad. And I surely could not have done it without all the forum info.

BTW Someone should patent as glue what ever is sticking the foil to the bottom of the box!!! Any tricks other than heavy duty foil?
Original Post
Good job!

Foil used to do the same thang in mine, I can't remember if I started doing something different, or if it just stays coated now and don't stick.

You will need a little less wood as time and a couple hundred uses/cooks/smokes go by.

I agree the low temp for a few hours can tend to dissipate moisture more.

I gotta have brown sugar in my butt rub. I ain't happy unless the butt comes out looking like a meteorite. Seems like it seals up the outside and keeps the moisture inside.


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