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Hello everyone

I'm looking to buy a smoker predominantly to cook Baby Back Ribs on a commercial scale and would like some help with a few of the issues I have when deciding what machine to go for.

I'm am currently considering the FEC100 and the FEC300.

My first question is what is the key benefits of buying a smoker that has a rotisserie as opposed to static shelves? The reason for this question is because I am sure the FEC100 is more than suitable to cope with the amount of ribs I need to produce for my business. However I also usually buy a convection rotisserie oven to cook spit roast chicken which is tried and tested for my business. I have never tasted a chicken cooked in a smoker so do not know the quality of flavour or the texture of the chicken. Another consideration is I only cook chickens for 1h 30m in the convection oven and am not sure how long it would take in the smoker. Time and speed of cooking is important for my business.

So I am wondering whether I would be better off not buying a convection rotisserie oven and just spending the money on a FEC300 rotisserie to cook both the ribs and the chickens. This would both save on space, operating costs and initial purchase costs.

My second question is regarding storage and preparation of the ribs. As my business is predominantly a fast food/take out shop it is important that I can prepare products quickly and easily. I am keen to be able to leave ribs straight from the smoker into a warm display cabinet/humidifying cabinet so my customers can see them and order them. Is this possible whilst maintaining the quality of the ribs or would they dry and become inedible? Another option is to keep the ribs either in a warm cupboard and finish the ribs to order on a charboiler as and when customers require them. Would the ribs stay fresh and juicy if I was to do this? Alternatively, the ribs could be kept refrigerated and heated on the charboiler to order to maintain quality but I am concerned about how long they will take to prepare this way (again speed being of importance in a busy take out).

I apologise in advance for such a long post but as I mentioned I am a complete novice and am desperate to come up with the best solution for my business whilst selling the highest quality ribs and chicken.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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I'd suggest you move this down to the pros forum,as this is basically for the small residential user of the electric models.

If Smokin'[the moderator]were here he would move it .

Next, call John Shiflett in CS sales and pose your needs to him,as he does commercial/restaurant work.

Also,email Fast Eddy,the developer,at CS- as he handles many of the FEC acounts around the country and can share his experiences with other people and suggest any mods that might be useful.

After that,there are a number of folks doing what you are doing
that may not check in but occasionally.

We'll all try to help.
Thanks for the advice Tom

Hello everyone

I'm looking to buy a smoker predominantly to cook Baby Back Ribs on a commercial scale and would like some help with a few of the issues I have when deciding what machine to go for.

I'm am currently considering the FEC100 and the FEC300.

My first question is what is the key benefits of buying a smoker that has a rotisserie as opposed to static shelves? The reason for this question is because I am sure the FEC100 is more than suitable to cope with the amount of ribs I need to produce for my business. However I also usually buy a convection rotisserie oven to cook spit roast chicken which is tried and tested for my business. I have never tasted a chicken cooked in a smoker so do not know the quality of flavour or the texture of the chicken. Another consideration is I only cook chickens for 1h 30m in the convection oven and am not sure how long it would take in the smoker. Time and speed of cooking is important for my business.

So I am wondering whether I would be better off not buying a convection rotisserie oven and just spending the money on a FEC300 rotisserie to cook both the ribs and the chickens. This would both save on space, operating costs and initial purchase costs.

My second question is regarding storage and preparation of the ribs. As my business is predominantly a fast food/take out shop it is important that I can prepare products quickly and easily. I am keen to be able to leave ribs straight from the smoker into a warm display cabinet/humidifying cabinet so my customers can see them and order them. Is this possible whilst maintaining the quality of the ribs or would they dry and become inedible? Another option is to keep the ribs either in a warm cupboard and finish the ribs to order on a charboiler as and when customers require them. Would the ribs stay fresh and juicy if I was to do this? Alternatively, the ribs could be kept refrigerated and heated on the charboiler to order to maintain quality but I am concerned about how long they will take to prepare this way (again speed being of importance in a busy take out).

I apologise in advance for such a long post but as I mentioned I am a complete novice and am desperate to come up with the best solution for my business whilst selling the highest quality ribs and chicken.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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