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Just purchased new smokette. 1st batch of beef jerky was gray and dry. I've been smoken with wood and charcoal for many years.

Next, I made 2 small briskets...same problem.

Taste like burnt wood. No redness to the meat....just gray and bad wood taste!

Only used 1 piece of wood and set on 200 then 225. Only about 5 lbs of meet.

What am I doing wrong???????
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A whole brisket or a flat? What was the internal temp? A brisket cooking for six hours sounds to me like it was way under-done. Did you season the smokette as per instructions? How much wood did you use? Wat kind of wood was it? Use this forum for times annd temps, forget about the book that came with the smoker when it comes to recipes!!! Read SmokinOkies BBQ Guide - you'll find it at the top of this page in the black bar.
Well, for one thing, your briskett wasn't done. Take your flats up to 160-165, foil it (might add 1/2 to 1 cup of beef broth or thined sauce) and take it up to your desired internal temp (190-195). Let it rest for at least 1/2 hour and slice acrross the grain. Or, you can take iit to 200-205 and pull it. And just FYI, most people here will tell you that a brisket flat is the most difficult cut of meat to smoke.

Really, when it comes to actual cooking instructions come to the forum and toss the book aside!

Come here and read the recipes seection and anything else you can. The people here are great and will help and walk you through most any problems you have!

Keep in touch

PS Describe how you seasoned your smoker, just curious...
It's not the seasoning of the smoker, that won't have an effect on the "taste" and give it a bad taste you're describing.

1. Have you verified the temp of the smoker and calibrated your thermometer?

2. Could be the wood you're using. You might try a different piece of wood. 1 oz of bad wood will cause a problem.

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