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I wonder what the longest time period people have "held" a brisket in a cookshack at 125 to 140 degrees.

Here's my dilema. Helping to prepare food for a party at a friend's house, but have no idea how many people will show. Definitely need 1 brisket, may need 2. I know brisket will store, but it just seems to lose something on the reheat versus the first cooking.

Here's my potential plan. I normally cook brisket at 225 for 1 hour per pound based on the biggest one in the batch (in other words 10 to 12 hours). I will put the 2 briskets on at 6:00 AM, and wrap one up to take to the party at 6:00 PM. I leave the other holding and return to get it if it is needed. But, if it is not needed, I could take it to the family's house the next day for lunch. But 18 hours of holding at low temp seems like an awfully long time after cooking for 12 hours.

I will be using choice grade certified angus, so the meat will be somewhat forgiving to moderate overcooking.

Has anyone tried to hold a brisket for this long at one time?
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Well depends.

The object is take away the air space around the meats with heated material,or insulation.

A small thick cooler,with lots of ribs,unopened,may keep you above the 140�safety mark for 4 or 5 hrs.

Heating the cooler with boiling water first,or wrapping a couple of oven heated bricks in newspaper to place on the bottom will also extend the time.

Fill dead space with more towels or newspaper helps.

Of course,ribs are thin enough to chill and to finish quickly on a grill,or even under a broiler,or the microwave if safety is the concern.

Hope this helps a little.

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