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I'm sure this question gets asked a lot on this forum. Wink

I am smoking 3 turkeys today. They all run about 12-15 lbs. I had them split down the middle, so I have 6 halves. I will probably put 3 halves on the smoker at a time and have to do 2 cooking sessions.

I bought apple wood for this, and I figure I will probably put about 3 oz. in the box for each cook. But I'm not sure if I should add more, since I have essentially 1 1/2 turkeys, not just one.

Anyone have a better recommendation?
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It's all relative to your taste for smoked meat. As poulrty takes on more of a smoke flavor that other meats I would suggest starting small with the wood and increasing as needed to please your tastebuds.

I did a 7# breast last weekend (in my SmokinTex)and used 1 1/2 oz of hickory and 2 Kingsford briquettes and that was pleanty for me. IMO, poultry is too easily over-smoked. But as I said, your tastebuds are the determining factor.

Good luck! And - let us know how your birds came out.
Thanks, everyone.

My first 3 halves are done. They look absolutely stunning, but these are gifts so I can't eat them. I think I might have a touch too much smoke but it's not bad. I took one small nibble from a piece under the bird and it was quite good. I could definitely taste the apple-juice from the brine.

I brined the birds in apple juice with salt, brown sugar, cloves, and poultry seasoning. I sprayed them with Pam and sprinkled with Lawry's seasoned pepper. I think these are keepers.

I vacuum-sealed these with my foodsave, and could see the trails of juice coming out when I vacuumed them. These turkeys are moist and juicy.

I will cut the wood down to 2 oz tomorrow when I do the other 3 halves.

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