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Well... I've finally made up my mind on which smoker I am buying. As usual, I researched myslef to the point of confusion! The web is a wonderful tool, but sometimes, too much information can be a huge problem!

So... Thanks to all of you for all of the information you have posted on this forum. Thanks also for the advice when I was confused about where to buy as well. After all of the research, I clicked the button to buy a Smokette Model 008, cart, cover and some accessories. Now I can't wait for it all to arrive!

So... Again... can I pick on your collective wisdom a little more? What else do I need? I have a couple of remote thermometers, welder's gloves, tongs, etc. What other things should I consider in order to get the most use out of the Smokette and the best results?


Soon to be "Smokin' in the suburbs"!
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The only thing I can think of is different kinds of wood. I located the following wood logs:

Red Bay (local)
Pecan (Down here "pekon" not "pea can") Big Grin
Hickory (from Kentucky)
Alder (brought back from Alaska)
Orange (from frozen Orange trees in Central Fla)
Oak (local)

Using a cross cut saw, made one inch slabs and then using a band saw cut pieces that weighed between 1 and 2 oz. Using boxes from Office Depot lettered the type of wood on each. Beside having a good time collecting the wood it is nice to experiment with different wood on different meats and sea foods. I use the wood for smoke and flavor in the CS 55 and also in the Ceramic Grill Dome.

You will be pleased with your decision. Wink

Steal the broiler pan out of the kitchen range. Best drip pan you will find. It is ceramic coated for easy cleanup and heavy enough even when empty the wind won't blow it around. Also, it is fairly deep and will hold lots of liquid when doing a big batch of jerky or 4 chickens or a turkey or some big deer roasts.
A BIG! roll of foil from Sam's Club/Costco/BJ's, and a cooler to hold cooked meat. I have several, but I actually prefer the cheapie all styrofoam variety. It seems like there's always someone that wants to take home some left overs, and these don't need to come back.

Ditto on the broiler pan.
Woohoo! I just received my shipping confirmation! My Smokette, cart and accessories shipped today and are scheduled for delivery on Friday! I think I'll try to track down a butt on Friday and get it ready for a Sunday smoke! I'm tied up on Saturday morning, but, depending on when the delivery shows up on Friday I can probably get things set up and the Smokette seasoned on Friday, and then put the butt in either Saturday night or early on Sunday depending on the size...

I can hardly wait!

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