Well... I've finally made up my mind on which smoker I am buying. As usual, I researched myslef to the point of confusion! The web is a wonderful tool, but sometimes, too much information can be a huge problem!
So... Thanks to all of you for all of the information you have posted on this forum. Thanks also for the advice when I was confused about where to buy as well. After all of the research, I clicked the button to buy a Smokette Model 008, cart, cover and some accessories. Now I can't wait for it all to arrive!
So... Again... can I pick on your collective wisdom a little more? What else do I need? I have a couple of remote thermometers, welder's gloves, tongs, etc. What other things should I consider in order to get the most use out of the Smokette and the best results?
Soon to be "Smokin' in the suburbs"!
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