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Well guys, I smoked my first butt yesterday. I read until I thought my eyes were gonna fall out. Thought I was absolutely prepared and guess what!?!? My 9# butt after about 12 hrs on the smoker hit what I assume was the plateau. No big deal, I've read about this, keep the door closed, no worries, done when its done. 3-4 hrs later, the temp had dropped from the 180 - 182, that it had been, to 174. Umm, wasn't expecting the drop to be this big. So yes, I'm guilty, I OPENED THE DOOR! Smiler But I shut it right back Smiler Pulled the butt this morning at 198 and its unbelievable. I was gonna post pics but the camera is full of new daughter pics at the moment. Sorry guys.

Thanks for all the help!
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Congratulations FFMedic!! First smoke with real meat is always the scariest. Sounds like you made it thru just fine. Let the smoker do its thing. There could be several reasons for the temp drop, but the important part was, you were patient! Its just going to get more fun from here on out!!


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