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To have smoke coming out the edges of the door on an 055?

One reason I'm a bit worried is there was some damage in shipping..... a ding to the back of the smoker that looks very simple and benign... I accepted from the shipper after they wrote up a description of the dent.... everything else looks perfect.... door seems to fit fine....

So please tell me this is normal!

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I've got some smoke comming from my door seal as well. I spoke with a gentleman from Cookshack at our state fair. He said that if it persisted, I should call CS for a possible door replacement. I have a feeling that it will seal itself with a little more use. Also, it's making some great ribs lately and I don't want to stop a 'good thing'.
I got my 55 a few weeks ago and have smoke coming from around the door. It seems to happen more at the beginning of the smoke. At first I was concerned but it doesn't seem to affect my cook times or great taste. There is no gasket around the door so I suspect it is not 100% air tight. Relax and enjoy.
Thanks to all.... I'm over it!

The first batch of wings will be coming out in about 30 minutes...... will let it cool off a bit... load up about 4 oz of wood.... stick a shoulder in.... I've got enough meat now and time that in the next 72 hours I should have this thing broken in right.

My 008 Smokette no longer seeps smoke out the door. Sometimes, too much comes out the top hole, though. LOL

You newbies just keep cooking and adding more wood. You probably will barely notice when it quits seeping.

It is seeming more and more like a rib weekend coming up. I like babybacks.

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