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I don't wish that on my worse enemy. The inspection itself wasn't bad. It's the leading up to it that is awful.

Don't ever discount prayer. I was praying all along that we wouldn't have Renaldo as our inspector. Jack said that was mean. But Renaldo had an eye problem and couldn't come at 1:30 pm. The replacement inspector was able to come at 10:30 am. We were good on everything, but he wanted a different fire extinguisher. We drove to Jacksonville, got the new extinguisher, met him at Jacksonville Beach at 1:50 pm. Passed and signed off!!! If our inspection had been at 1:30 pm as planned, I doubt we would have managed all that.

Thanks for keeping us in mind.
thanks guys!!!!!!
your support and help has really meant a lot to us.
chateau-you were right but i sure didn't envision almost 90 miles of driving lol!!!! but (and this is a 1st) i did get the rig back in it's storage space in one try!!!!
rootsman- i sent you an email this morning. make sure to look on your plan review for the fire bottle size. it will read something like 2A10BC. make sure your builder installs what ever size is called for.
chef tom- thanks for all of the advice you have given peggy. my next to do item is to download the catering contract you sent her.
smokinokie- thanks big brother for all the tips help and just being there support. i know that you talk to cookshack so please tell them that our inspector really did say "sweeeet" when i pointed out the automatic hold feature on peg's sm150!!!!!!!
again thanks guys for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The extinguisher that came with the trailer was not enough A's and B's, we went to an extinguisher place and had that one inspected and tagged, got another one that they recommended that they said would easily surpass what was called for in the plan review.
Advice: Stick strictly to what they call for, don't try to exceed the requirements.
When we returned the extinguisher and got another that met the state requirements, we also got money back because it was a cheaper model. So all was not in vain!
I agree with Jack. Thank you for being here!
way kewl on the homebrew!!!!!
last batch i made was for the millienium. really heavy porter style but to give it some further body when i pitched it into the secondary fermenter i added champagne yeast to further bump the alcohol level. worked like a charm got to almost 12%!!!!!!
by the way we got 2nd at the supertailgate mania tie in for the superbowl here saturday for chicken wings. we buried hooters pmsl!!!!!!!!
ps this wasnt blind judging either lol. and got an inquiry from the big boat show organizer here so all in all we helped raise some money for united way and may get to make some money!!!
pps. this explains why peggy owns the corporation and i work for her Wink
I just put the method we used on one of the FE sites. Ocala Bill started us off with this. I was really disappointed in our chicken. But his method is right on for us. I don't remember which smoker you got. But it does work in the CS also, just not as crispy.
Oh, now I'm doing county and city occupational licenses. They were unfriendly at first but getting used to me. One step at a time!
County says check with zoning. I got OK from city, then county said check with county zoning, that's cool, then county says get city occupational license. OK, I can go there. I'm toting around this big pack of papers everywhere I go!
It took about 2 weeks from the call. They gave us a list of things to have ready. Some of the things they listed, I wasn't sure I had. We gave them a date that was good for us and the commissary. Expect changes in the plans from the state inspectors and just keep as calm as you can.

I got the impression that they were ready to inspect us sooner than 2 weeks, but I wanted some feeling of control.


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