You may start out with the thought that it seems a little expensive,but in the weeks after you get home,you'll keep thinking "man was that ever a great value for the few dollars".
CS is not in the "class giving " business.They may visit your locations and work endlessly on the phone and that is great.They work at keeping you successful and sharing over a half century of their methods.
What makes all their classes is you get back your fees in materials and dining.

Yes,there are great instructors that really know your equipment and the business.
But,don't expect a high school class where you sit and take notes and they talk.The big benefit is the interactive nature of the courses.Fellow students are experienced and instructors invite input.They may all have faced your problems,somewhere else in their business.The class rosters and the contacts you make let you reach out to others in your business from now on.
The classes are hands on in many areas.
Used to be ya'll wrapped up with a group dinner at the Tex-Mex restaurant out in the airport,but that may have changed.
The company is always just a phone call away with someone that knows the answer to your questions.
No,I'm not affiliated with the company,just a successful user of the products and techniques.