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I have a relatively new 045.... Seasoned per instructions. I was smoking pork tenderloin with apple wood CHIPS. I (unfortunately) was not near, but the ladies of the house, three of them report a very loud BOOM from the unit. They said it shook the house and there was smoke everywhere, out the door and out the hole. My intrepid wife turned it off, but did not open the door. When I came back 15 minutes later, I could find nothing wrong, so I fired it off again and continued to smoke two delicious pork tenderloins.

Unit is foiled per instructions, no grease in the wood pan or near the heating element. One guest theorized that the smoke is actually flamable, and maybe just the right combination happened, with maybe a spark or small flame from the chips, just the right amount of oxygen... and Bang, an explosion.

Anyone ever had a similar experience?


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It happened once when unit was new, I think it was first cook. Recently it happened to me two times. I was using two rather large chunks of Hickory so I think too much wood can also be a cause. Obviously these smokers use very little air so an explosive mixture forms and then ignites in somewhat of a controlled explosion. Its a bang and you can hear the sudden rush of air out the vents. It is startling but causes no harm.

Last edited by Flyingman

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