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Hello all! I am brand new to the forum, but not new to smoking. I am currently the owner of a Bradley Original Smoker and have absolutely loved it. However, I managed to drop it and the door does not seal. So, I am looking to upgrade. It is just me, my wife, and my daughter in the house and so I am trying to figure out what smoker makes the most sense. The Amerique has me drooling because I like the automatic functionality of it. The fact that I can set it, run errands all day, and come home to a perfect brisket has me salivating. The problem is the price. Since I am only cooking for 3, $2000 (got to to get accessories) is a steep price tag. I can afford, but I am looking to find out if the "juice is worth the squeeze". I have time on my hands since I am in Afghanistan for another 3 months. I welcome any and all discussion. I greatly appreciate any assistance anyone offers!
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Welcome to the forum.
Also let me thank you for the great work you do in protecting our country. Good luck to you and anticipating your save arrival back to the USA in another 3 monthe!

I have the AmeriQue, just mainly for myself and wife as all our our children are grown and have families of their own!

I LOVE the AmeriQue. It does a fantastic job, even for small meals, but works great when we have the children and grandchildren or even friends over. I love the auto features and the temp probe, makes a very easy job out of doing great Q.

Some of the smaller units also have the cntroller. Check them out. If you can handle the AQ you will not regreat buying it.

Good luck and have a safe trip home!
Thanks for the reply. I am also looking at pellet grills and smokers since I see most people who have bought the AQ want to upgrade to the FEC100. I would like to make just one purchase and not wish I had bought something else. The auto features of the AQ are hard to pass up on though.
I have a similar situation, just my wife, me and
14 year old son at home. I too, looked longingly at the Amerique, but was only able to afford the SMO45. I have had absolutely no regrets. It's small enough to do anything for us three, and it's large enough that I've done enough brisket for 20 people. Did a 20 pound ham at Easter.

As tigerfan suggested, I'm sure you won't regret the Amerique, but a little smaller isn't bad, either.

Very well pleased with my 045.
You'll be pleased with any one of them. The main difference is:

SM025 - 2 Shelves 750W
SM045 - 3 Shelves 750W
SM066 - 4 Shelves 1000W + Drops to hold temp after a time or temp is reached.

I have an SM020 and just fed 36 people over the 4th. 13.5lbs of brisket, 13lbs of pork butts, smoked baked beans, moinks & pork peckers. Just had to time things. Larger smoker would have given me some more flexibility, but you learn to use what you've got to it's full potential.

I'm still thrilled with my purchase, no regrets here.

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