Something Mundinchev stated in his jerky post reminded me of something that has happened to me a number of times and still happens when I don't think about it. I didn't want to thread jack so I started a new one to help anyone that may have experienced this.
In typing replies, I sometimes lose all the information I've typed before I post and have to retype my reply. Very frustrating. And when it happens with a picture post, it really makes you want to scream. Doesn't happen all the time but often enough.
Well, after it happened too often, I figured it out. When you hit the reply button and the post comes up for you to add your information, make sure you move the little hand off the reply button before you start to type inside the post box. When the hand/second cursor is moved off the reply box and into the top of your response box, you will not lose your information.
Now, I have a wireless mouse so that could be where the problem generates. But it's not a fautly mouse cause it's happened with both of the wirelss mouses (or mice) I've used and with the both of the computers I've used. Again, if you're losing your info, move that hand off the reply button. I think somehow the wireless mouse must be sending a slight signal that in effect hits the reply button wiping out your typing and creating a new and blank reply.
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