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Here is a chance for you central and Gulf coast folks to take in a cookoff.

This will be the Fl BBQ Assoc. state championship and could be a qualifier for the Jack Daniels .

You'll also see some of the teams invited to cook at the Best of the Best contest in Douglas,Ga the following week.

Should draw a lot of top teams and some of the new Cookshack Fast Eddy pellet burners.

Friday afternoon/evening is the best time to visit with teams and look over the cookers.

Sat afternoon,after 2:30,the teams are also accessible-but tired.

There is usually a Peoples' Choice around lunchtime.

This gives you a chance to sample all the teams' cooking and vote for your favorite.

Give me a shout if you need more info.

I already know of several forum folks that will be there.
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I'll be there for the judging seminar Friday. Unfortunately I signed up too late to get a seat at a judging table. They were all full up. I'll definitely mingle after the seminar.

The rescheduled Grant is running at the same time as Minneola, and I know at least one team from here in Orlando is heading down your way for that. It's a shame that the schedules collided like that.
Grant cookoff was finally cancelled,after the reschedule.

My guess is it will be KCBS and back to the late Sept date next year.

Barring hurricanes.

We also left our fees in to cook Grant.

It will just be bbq vending for the festival.

You may get a chance to judge anything butt and sauce contest on Friday,after the judging course.

Get there early on Sat. ,to the judges checkin,and ask Mary to put you on the backup list for Sat.

Often they still need a couple,as teams can enter up to contest time.
hi guys,
just taking a break from the loading up for minneola.
this will be our 1st tow and 1st competition and can't wait to get there!!!!!
did a full comp practice run up last weekend and i still can't believe how few pellets an fec uses and how little gasoline the honda 3000 takes for 24 hours of running.
see ya there tomorrow!!!!!!!! Big Grin
ps the temp dropped to 58 degrees last saturday nite and i liked to have froze but cuddled up to the freezer and got warm lol
tom, it was really nice to meet you and i really enjoyed our chat and i also enjoyed our placing 2nd in beef brisket!!!!!!!
this was certainly a weekend of firsts. first time towing, first time backing, first time competing, and the first time i got to really meet all the good guys in the florida bbq association!!!!!!!
peg and i would like to thank everyone on this forum that has pulled so hard for us for so long. you have no idea what it has meant to us and we just wanted to say thanks.
oh and a big thanks to fast eddy for developing such a kewl smoker!!!!!!!!!!!!
see everyone at plant city!!!!!
opps almost forgot (been a long day towing) thanks to mary at events unlimited for organizing this and if anyone could a special thanks goes out to the city workers of minneola but i don't yet know how to send them those thanks so if someone sees this and can shoot them a message. well time to sleep with our brisket trophy and peggy has the check in her hot grasp lol Big Grin
jack and peggy percifield
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
It was great to meet several of the teams Friday night. During the break in the judging seminar when the power went out everyone in the cooking area pitched in to help those that needed electricity get it from the generators that were available. Neighbor helping neighbor is something we've learned a lot about this last summer in Florida. It was fun to learn to judge Q by Gator-light.

Hopefully I'll see some of you in Sebring (Brrr... ) in January.

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