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I have been researching cookers for quite some time and spent countless hours on the forums. My model selection questions comes down to ratios. SMO25 and SMO45. NOT(SM066, outlined below)
SMO25 $675, SMO45 $1225.00

The SMO45 is identical with addition of 4 more inches in height, this allows one more shelf.
The size increases about 13% but the cost jumps 80%! The larger unit is 1.8 times more expensive than small one, WOW.
I spoke with Karen at cookshack and she was very kind and helpful but we where not able to get to the value proposition of the 045. I was hoping some of the BBQ pro's could help me reconcile how a shelf and 4" can cost $550.00. You can nearly buy two of the 25's for that. How can this be? Is the 025 UNDERvalued? Or is the 045 severely OVERvalued? Maybe both (though lopsided), the 025 is going up in cost to $749, the 045 is staying put at $1225.
With the price shift the capacity increase of course is the same at 13%, the cost increase comes down to 64%. Still hard to get my arms around.

Ah yes! The Amerique! Nice unit, larger, more electronic gizomes (seems to have probe issues from the threads?, question mark)and not the answer to this question. I have the metrics on it as well. The 045 in my opinion is a great size with a great big price.

Through my research (Cookshack, Traeger, Louisiana, Stumps, Backwoods, Weber, Green Egg) I decided on CS and hit a wall when I looked at the cost delta and size ratio's.

Any wisdom would be appreciated, I realize I may take a few shots with this post and can accept that.

I have closely considered materials cost, labor, shared components, etc. Let r rip
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Welcome to the forum. I'm not a very good numbers guy,but I have come to think of my cs020 as a bargain. CS has a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee, which should help ease the fears of the purchase.

I doubt that you can find many owners of the models that you stated that feels like they were taken by the cost of their smoker, but hey we are about to find out.
#krnchr, if you're looking at $/# (dollars per lb vapacity) then you should just load up on the 025. The 066 (AmQ) actually beats the 045 in this comparison and also has the added electronics. FTR there are no issues with the probe that CS has not addressed and this should not enter into the discussion.
Check out this comparison chart, it shows in a table how everything compares (probably what you manually did)

One difference you didn't not was the Meat Probe. It's NOT a cheap probe, nor will it be, it's a professional quality one. That jumps the price up if you select it.

Comparison Chart

Sorry, I can't help with a specific answer.

If CS doesn't have an answer, I don't think we're going to help by guessing. Anything we say would be just that, a guess.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Looking at $/sq in. Based in actual size, not lb
Comparison is 025 versus 035, NOT 066
066 probe comment was in the form of a question (?), not a statement.

Why should anything Cookshack related NOT enter my discussion?

I did review the comparison chart, the two units are identical except for height. Both models have the probe as well.

Thanks again, you are probably right but I though I would get some opinions to help me sort it out before moving on.
Last edited by Former Member
I too went through all the numbers, when I bought my SM025. I said the same thing about buying two 025's for the price of the 045. not only would you have two fully independent smokers, you would have more room than the 045. I feel for the money the SM025 is the best deal. If you really need the room get the Amerique. If you are going to fill it up on a regular basis then no question. I am really not sure why anyone would buy the 045 vs 066. You are really getting a lot more for that extra $370 than just room. If it is a sometimes thing, then get the SM025 and just plan ahead. You can always put stuff on hold, while you refill the smoker again.
Originally posted by Numbrcrunchr:
Looking at $/sg in. Based in actual size, not lb

Comparing sq in. is similar to comparing capacity since capacity is dependent on the number of shelves. The added 4" allows for the added shelf area and capacity. The numbers don't work for the 045 compared to the 025.
It is obvious that you did not read my original post. First line, second paragraph
"with addition of 4 more inches in height, this allows one more shelf."

You are right on one point "The numbers don't work for the 045 compared to the 025."

That was precisely what I was getting at.

It serves no useful purpose to me to continue answering your semantic arguments. I will keep an eye on the board for those that wish to offer advice to someone that asked for assistance.
The capacity increases 13% but you can cook 50% more meat with the extra shelf. Maybe that is what they are basing the price increase on even though there isn't a lot more materials (4" and a shelf). Personally, I would never buy the 045. I would buy two 025's or the Amerique before a 045.
Last edited by Former Member
Welcome to the Cookshack Nation.

Nice to have someone that looks at and compares,as most of our owners do.

Hopefully, you will put the same thirst for knowledge in the cooking process,as you await your delivery.

Some folks like to skip that part of the overall process,and we really hear from them on the forums. Smiler

You'll find that will pay far higher dividends,than the search for the cooker.

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