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Good morning everyone, I am going to my parents in Good Year Arizona In a couple weeks. They have a Holland grill that they have used for 13 years now, but have done nothing with it except grill. Now that I am into smoking, I would love to teach them to smoke on it while I am there. Here is the info I am working with.

The grill is direct hooked into its own gas line from the house.
They have no extra accessories with it, I.e., smoker box, etc.
It has no temp control, my mom says it usually burns around 400 or 450.

I would love to know if I could purchase something while I am there that would convert this into a smoker whenever they want to.

Oh, I am not exactly sure which model it is, but it is a bit long and it does have an exhaust off to one side.

Had to add one more thing. It seems to be an indirect grill, not your normal direct heat because they can put a steak on there and get an oven with a little grill effect and it takes like 25 mins to cook. They were convinced to buy it by the sales person, but it wasn't really what they needed and they don't use it to its full potential.
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My brother in law has a Holland. You are correct that it's an indirect system, more of an oven than a grill as there is a deflector plate that covers the burner. I've had some success when using a small cast iron smoker box with wood chips along one side and my meat centered. It seems the Holland's are bit warmer along the sides.
I have found that it's a great chicken cooker but not much else due to the lack of temp control.
S&H - no accounting for some peoples taste huh. Ha ha.

Smokin, I have a call into my parents to ask f/b etc...

Slim - they love it for a chicken cooker, that's about all my mom uses it for these days. My dad stopped eating red meat, and she doesn't do much with pork (can't believe they gave birth to me). I gotta school them!!!!

Will reply back when I get the directional answer from them.
I am a huge Holland fan. I can cook anything anytime with the correct accessories. If broke in correctly, they are unmatchable IMHO. I have smoked the best hams ever on a Holland. No joke. I use pecan pellets in foil laid directly on the deflection pan for smoking. Outstanding lil cooked.
Dad doesn't know the direction of the heat source and nothing I find on net seems to tell or show it. He thinks it's round and I said maybe rectangular? I guess I will see when I get there. It's an old model they threw out the pan for wood, but like Slowride mentioned and other they just put wood/pellets in foil. Just gotta figure out if there is a cooler spot to put the meat, as in more indirect than other spots.
The reason I ask is that the #1 thing I tell people when they buy a grill is to get one with the element running front to back, each with it's own control.

That way, you can turn 1 or 2 on at one end and cook indirect on the other end.

If that's not the case, then you need to put a diffused between the flame so it doesn't grill the meat directly above it. Not all the flame, just where the meat is.

The also sell cast iron boxes for grills (at HD) and you can put the wood in there and the box next/near the flame. But the foil pouch works great as well.
After doing research on the Holland, right after posting, I realized this is more like a gas oven. There are plates of sorts above the flames (where ever they r) that make it nearly impossible for flare ups. thats what Hollands are famous for. Also a grease resivoir somewhere so that it doesnt get on the flame and cause flare ups. It is a slow cooker in sorts that it could take 30 min to cook a steak (not med rare like I eat it) med to med well. I will go to HD while there and pick something up if the foil doesnt work. I have to find a flame to put it on. New models have a wood draw, but some say its useless. Thanks for the ideas everyone.

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