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...Any resemblence between the characters depected in the logo and real individuals is purely circumstantial and as such, my Lawyer says it's just a cartoon and under the First Amendment, I have freedom on speech/expression
So what, now I have to put disclaimers on my logo Wink

You'll have to sort out who the others are, IF they're anyone at all.

Maybe I'm just waiting for more team members. OR

Maybe it's just the three basic food groups for KCBS comps, beef, chicken, pork.

Yeah, that's the ticket, it's the last one
Originally posted by prisonchef313:
[qb] man i like it
maybe you could sell honorary member t-shirts. pay off the trailer in no time!!!
jack [/qb]
Actually I'm thinking like that. Many Memphis in May teams charge a "fee" to be an Honorary Member and for $XX dollars you get XX.

Now to figure out what might sell. Certainly free food at any contest I'm cooking in Big Grin AFTER turn in

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