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I have just joined and have also just purchased a Trager without digital read out. I would like some tips on Brisket and Pork Butt. I have smoked for years but struggling to get correct turnout on Traeger. Im looking for the "smoke Ring", Juicy. Im unsure of when to wrap in foil? When to unwrap? Cooking on Low or Medium? I cant control exact temp at 220 till I get digital readout.... I excited to be a memebr and look forward to everyone's comments.
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I wish I could help but I don't know anything about Traegers. I bet someone out there does, though.

As for a smoke ring, what does Traeger say about that? You might have to rub with a little Tenderquick, or throw a piece of charcoal in with the pellets.

Let's hang in there until we get a member with a Traeger to reply.

Well now,I ain't no brisket expert,but I wouldn't get too excited about smoke rings from your pellet cooker.

They don't amount to much nohow.

Donna's tips can make sorta one,if you are determined.

You need to run you a temp probe, through a tater,into the cooker ,and see what the temps are actually runnin' in there, at different settin's.

If you can get it to run down around 140º-170º for three-four hrs,that's a good thing.

If you can get it to run from 225º-260º 'till it's done,that should work.

Now,if it be windy/rainy on a Traegar,all bets is off.

Go to Wendy's and curl up in front o' the TV

Now if you be determined to use that Texas crutch,you could do it around 170º internal.

An FEC don't really need it.

When your temp probe pokes easy thru, from top to bottom,ought to be some fine juicy eatin'.

Should be 195º-200º internal.

Now my teammate is the pork king,and he can cook anything on a Traegar.

I expect he'd tell you to set 'er on 225º-250º and pull it at 195º internal.

Wrap it in foil and let set in a dry cooler for a couple hrs.

Can't think o' no reason to crutch pigmeat.

Next time out,you can make adjustments.

Hope this helps a little.
Last edited by tom
I love this site Thanx so much. I am going to wrap it in foil once temp gets to 165 internal. Ran it on med. setting(220 to 300) for first 3 hours, meat got 133 internal. Its now on low(140-180), gonna run it there until meat temp gets to foil wrappn temp. Then run it until 195. Just not sure what to do with it after that. Should I unwrap it and let it rest. Let it rest in the foil? If so how long. Did I say how much I Love This Site thus far.
I don't own a Traeger, but researched them extensively in all sizes. (That's why I bought a Cookshack.) Smiler

OPIa Taught Me,

I assume you have one of the grill type Traegers. One of the first things I would do is get a temperature measuring device for it. has a Maverick Digital Oven Thermometer for $20. I'm going to get one for my Smokette as soon as I get around too it. Then monitor the temperatures you get at the various grill settings as you cook a load of something. Once you get an idea what temperature the beast cooks at at the various settings, then you will have a reference point to compare with what CS owners are doing in various times.

Cookshacks are all well insulated so their temperature variations really have to do with the nature of the brut. Depending upon your Traeger, you might have to make adjustments to your cooking procedures depending upon the weather.

Monitor the meat internal temperature continually with a remote thermometer and just like with a Cookshack keep the door/top closed until its done. Smiler

Good Smokin
Hmm, no Traeger owners? I'm somewhat interested in becoming a pellethead also but with just my wife and I the FEC100 is way too large. I've been hoping that CS would come out with a residential model of the FEC 100 but I guess it's just not going to happen. I was hoping we would get responses from some Traeger owners.

I have a Traeger 070. I have no idea what that other post was about. I don't care if it's snowing, windy, raining, sunny, etc. I set the electronic temp. control and it goes there and stays.
On the brisket, go mid range (250) and cook until the internal temp of the meat hits 203. Not 200 or 210, 203. Remove and eat or wrap, it does not mater, it is done and tender.
Originally posted by OlPa Taught Me:
Cooking on Low or Medium? I cant control exact temp at 220 till I get digital readout.... I excited to be a memebr and look forward to everyone's comments.

Welcome to the group. You'll get some help, a few people here have traegers, but MOST of them have CS's that have a traeger controller.

The H/M/L traegers will not hold a specific temp. They'll get close, but if you're looking for exactly 220, even the digital controller won't help. CS uses the digital controller for the basic FEC100's. It has specific temps, but not an infinite range. you have smoke/180/245/275/325... no 220.

That's an issue that CS addressed when they came out with their own controller which does have infinite settings, but it's not a retrofit option for traeger grills.
hi oldpa and welcome,
one thing you can do is experiment with different pellets both in the type of wood makeup and manufacturer as different manufacturers use different blends of wood.
of course you will need a remote thermo but a cheap taylor from target is about 15 bucks. without one you are shooting in the dark. it might take you several tries to hit just the heat you want but it is well worth the effort.
as far as the smoke ring on brisket goes i have never had a problem obtaining this as long as i put the meat dead cold into a dead cold smoker and used a oak/pecan blend
ps. if it works for an fec it should work for any other pellet muncher as all you are trying to do is get the pellet with the correct btu's for your style of cooking or unit maker.

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