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Totally new to this kind of cooking. In fact, haven't even seasoned the brand new Smokette yet and already bombarded by requests from family about what to make first. Ribs seem to be leading in the polls followed by brisket, chicken and oh yeah....someone wants bacon. Anyone have any thoughts on how to rate these in terms of difficulty for an absolute newbie? Also, in the little I've read so far about curing, opinion is split over nitrites. Any advice? Thanks.
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I've had my 020 for 2 1/2 years and the first thing I did was a pork butt (to season the smoker). Since then it's been a lot of different things (salmon stuffed jalapenos, chicken, etc.) but the biggest raves from friends/family/ neighbors are about the baby back RIBS! Check out the forums for a good easy recipe then sit back listen to the compliments about how tender juicy and delicious they are! Have fun and do some RIBS!
First of all WELCOME!! You will love your CS Smoker!! I would start by seasoning your smoker with a couple of pieces of wood at 250*. The first thing I would do if you are new to this is a Pork Shoulder blade in (aka pork butt or PB). It would be the easiest and it would turn out GREAT and the family would think you just became the best cook ever!! Then I would progress to Ribs. This site is chock full of information and people that are ready to help.
It's hardest not because of the cooker, but the method. Just a bunch of little stuff a absolute newbie probably shouldn't work on first.

Brisket easier than ribs and chicken?


And Coach, you may have brisket down, but the rest of the world would rate brisket harder than ribs.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
It's hardest not because of the cooker, but the method. Just a bunch of little stuff a absolute newbie probably shouldn't work on first.

Brisket easier than ribs and chicken?


And Coach, you may have brisket down, but the rest of the world would rate brisket harder than ribs.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I just can't seem to get the walks in those two. I've just been blaiming Maxie Big Grin

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