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I am currently doing Randy's Pastrami recipe. I have done the research and read all about pastrami on here. I am now wondering that ya'll have many years under ya belt doing pastrami, at what temp are ya finishing it at? I have read from 160 to 200 degrees. I do not have a slicer. I just want it tender to eat as sandwiches. This is a first for pastrami for me. Any help is appreciated. I am thinking 195 degrees internal. It is a Sam's whole brisket of 12 lbs. or so, flat and point combined.
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165* is fine for pastrami- the curing seems to give it a different texture (?), and at that temp, it's plently tender for slicing. After seeing a couple of Food TV shows on pastrami, I see the big delis do a second cooking- to 225* over steam! I tried that when re-heating some of my frozen stash recently, but couldn't tell a difference, except some of the seasoning crust bark "melted" off!

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