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Wait until you see the fun start!

When they did this before,they used them one weekend in GA without announcing them.There was literally almost a riot.They used an extra set of reps to handle the cards,distribute and try to handle the ANGRY cookteams.
No judges had been trained how to write comments.

The next weekend,we were cooking the NC championship and they announced them at the cooks' meeting.A bunch of cooks had been at the previous week and a riot started at the meeting.Myron Mixon and a couple other tried to get the teams to pull out and refund money.
It got nasty.

They had untrained citizens handling turnin boxes and they slid them down 8 ft tables to the guy stacking them.He carried them three deep into the building to go on the trays.
Barbara came straight back and told us how the boxes were being handled.
We had a lot of the top teams in the South and the turnin member tends to stand and watch.

Several filed complaints with the TWO teams of reps.

One of our cards said"there was a sauce smudge inside the lid on pork"

Another said"sauce on chicken needs to be sweeter".

We had the great comments.

I supposed they are going to play a CD at the judges' meeting about appropriate comments?
Originally posted by MaxQ:
How does the card info get relayed back to the teams?

It was stapled on the back of the front page. This is the first comment card I've ever recieved, but I'm afraid if I had rendered much more fat out of those burnt ends, that judge would have Xed the box that said over cooked. Roll Eyes
Cal I'm thinking that was a pretty good box at 8-8-8 and possibly the judge was justifying in their own mind why it wasn't 9's. I'm a CBJ and dread the return on the comment cards as I've helped some rep teams attach the comment cards to the sheets and many of these comments are simply lame. I've seen comment cards on a box that was given 9-9-9 and then said "brisket had a funny after taste". What's a cook supposed to do with that?
If the product is bad enough to deserve a comment card, then you should receive 6 of them. The same goes for if it's Good! You should receive 6 cards explaining how wonderful the product was. In the real world, it proves a judge has problems when 5 others give 9's and they think the product deserves 6 or 7's. There scores should throw up red flags to the KCBS. Those judges need to be retrained or weeded out. I know they are unpaid people, but we pay a lot to subject our product to people who are not accountable for there actions.

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