I pretty much followed Pags' recipe with a few minor adjustments. For the mop, I did not have red wine vinegar, so I used some Two Buck Chuck red that I picked in St. Louis at Trader Joe's a few months ago. Also, I used virgin olive oil with some garlic powder because I did not have any grape seed oil infused with garlic. The mop was still pretty good with these modifications. I placed in the AQ, added about 2 ounces of hickory, set at 200, and kept the skirts in until the internal temperature reached 125. I let the skirts rest for about 15 minutes until my gas grill reached 500. Then, threw them on, mopped, and grilled until I got a bit of a crust.

So now what? I knew these would be a little chewy, and of course the skirts are pretty thin. So, how about soft beef tacos!

The flavor was very nice, with a delicate hickory taste. What would I do different next time? Maybe take the internal temperature in the smoker up to about 135 just to try to get the meat a little more tender. But, overall not bad for another quick Sunday dinner meal. And, I vacuum sealed the remainder, so some easy soft beef tacos after a long day of working are in our future.