Wasn't a particular good contest for me, 11th overall. Ended the year the way I started, 1 ribbon in one category with only a 5th in ribs which is funny but exactly the same place in the same category. Learned a lot this year, guess I have my work cut out for me over the winter. Aliens landed and seasoned all my stuff for me, so I have NO idea but I knew it was a weird day. Great group of people and a really nice location.
Big congrats to Stuart, he beat me and HC II. Only beat me by 3 points overall, and I won't say it's because he had a consultant present, as Fast Eddy was there. Ponca City isn't like the Jack this year -- no FE rule present.
Great job Stuart, and Stuart won the Ash Street trophy by beating HC (they're both on Ash Street in Ponca -- get it?)
10 - Turnin and Burnin
9 - Bad Dawg BBQ
8 - Iron Wheel Cookers
7 - B Mans BBQ
6 - Feeding Frinzy
5 - Rib Wurx
4 - Swistaks Smoke Shack
3 - StoneBridge BBQ
2 - We Be the Pits
1 - Twin Oaks
10 - Blowin Smoke BBQ Team
9 - We Be the Pits
8 - Twin Oaks
7 - Wylie Coyote
6 - StoneBridge BBQ
5 - Smokin Okies
4 - Head Country II
3 - It Ain't Prime
2 - Powell Family
1 - B Mans BBQ
10 - StoneBridge BBQ
9 - Big Rick's BBQ
8 - Powell Family
7 - L & M BBQ
6 - Rib Wurx
5 - We Be the Pits
4 - Sauce Plant
3 - Turnin and Burnin
2 - The Smokedelics
1 - Twin Oaks
10 - Rib Wurx
9 - The Smokedelics
8 - Bad Dawg BBQ
7 - Brewer's Smokin & Chokin
6 - Fire Stokers
5 - It Ain't Prime
4 - Twin Oaks
3 - We Be the Pits
2 - Sauce Plant
1 - Wylie Coyote
Overall -
10 - Turnin and Burnin
9 - StoneBridge BBQ
8 - Fire Stokers
7 - Powell Family
6 - Rib Wurx
5 - Wylie Coyote
4 - Sauce Plant
3 - It Ain't Prime
Reserve - We Be the Pits
Grand - Twin Oaks Smokin Crew