So I picked up a cryovac of pork brisket bones at BJ's. $2.09 per lb. About 7.5 lbs in the package, 4 pieces of two distinct configurations I picked two pieces to smoke for the two of us (around 3 lbs) and seasoned with Porkmafia Memphis Mud, placed in the smoker (SM066) with 2.5 oz of 3 small peach chunks at 225F for three hours, then double foiled for an additional two hours. At that point, the toothpick test worked and they seemed juicy and done.
This was yesterday, the day before Superbowl, since rain was forecast (and happened) today. Didn't feel like setting up the popup in 40 degree temps. I left the pieces foiled and refrigerated them, then put the package in a slow oven to reheat. Chopped them up and it was really juicy, porky goodness, like a mix of ribs and belly in texture and fattiness. You have to chew around some cartilage, but we loved them!