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Hi All,

Had my FEC for about two months. I thing I am noticing is that it appears to take longer to cook things than when I did them on my Traegers.

Example is pork shoulders. I cook 4-6 pork shoulders each week. They are bone-in, 7-8 pounds each. I set the FEC at 250, and they normally take about 13-14 hours to get to 198* IT.

When I would cook the same meat on my Traeger (set at 225*) they would be done in around 11 hours.

I am good with the extra time, just curious about what others are seeing in regards to cooking times.


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Nope, doesn't take longer here. Probably your temps in the Traeger weren't what you thought (no insulation) and they're pretty bad on temp anyway.

The FE with full insulation should take a consistent time.

Mine typically, if I go straight at one temp (which I don't) are about 1 hour a pd. That's with my IQ or my Traeger controller FE.

Verify the temp if you haven't of the smoker when it's at temp.

Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Nope, doesn't take longer here. Probably your temps in the Traeger weren't what you thought (no insulation) and they're pretty bad on temp anyway.

The FE with full insulation should take a consistent time.

Mine typically, if I go straight at one temp (which I don't) are about 1 hour a pd. That's with my IQ or my Traeger controller FE.

Verify the temp if you haven't of the smoker when it's at temp.


I have verified the temp on the smoker and it is pretty close. I am sure my Traeger was running hotter.

I need to try a high heat pork butt (around 300) and see how it goes. For the amount we are doing now, it would be nice to do them in 6 hours, but I will not comprimise quality to do it.


Last edited by Former Member
Also curious about 7-8 lb shoulders,as to exactly what we are talking about.We rarely see shoulders less than 15 lbs,and often close to 20 lbs.

At 220*-240* we are talking an hr/lb.

We have also cooked on some Traegars[large and small],and were careful to verify the ACTUAL cook temp,at the exact spot on the rack.We never even considered what it was set at.[Rain,wind,cold,etc}

Shouldn't take long to sort it out,and you'll be back on track.
Hi Tom,

I am cooking what I guess you call a bostom butt cut. Biggest I have ever gotten is around 9-10 pounds, but most are 7-8 pounds. I get them from Sams Club.


Originally posted by Tom:
Also curious about 7-8 lb shoulders,as to exactly what we are talking about.We rarely see shoulders less than 15 lbs,and often close to 20 lbs.

At 220*-240* we are talking an hr/lb.

We have also cooked on some Traegars[large and small],and were careful to verify the ACTUAL cook temp,at the exact spot on the rack.We never even considered what it was set at.[Rain,wind,cold,etc}

Shouldn't take long to sort it out,and you'll be back on track.
Yep, they are Boston Butts.

I was normally cooking them in about 12 hours on the Traeger, but with the FEC it seems more like 13-14.

I am doing my first full load on Thursday night (90 pounds) I plan to rotate the top and bottom shelf about half way through. Should I worry about rotating the middle?

I am giving myself 14 hours @ 250. I would have them done early then not.


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