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I would worry about the extended time in the "danger zone" by partially cooking them and then re-heating to complete it. Put the butts in the smoker Sat. afternoon/evening and they'll be ready Sun. morning. Then wrap them in foil, put them in a pre-heated ice chest covered with towels. They will hold for hours that way. This will allow you to do your ribs etc. when you want. When it's time pull the butts out and pull em.
I'm with hayman.

I'm NEVER a fan of the half cook method, I don't think it's food safe nor does it give you a good product. Go with the overnight, I'm doing 2 briskets that way. I put them in a very small cooler (less air the better) and they'll stay hot for 8 hours, and actually above 140 for quite a while.

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