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I'm not new to BBQ, hate to say it here, but have had Trager units (home) for a number of years. Looking at taking over a failing restaurant that has had 3 new owners and 3 new menus (Fine Dining) in the past 4 years :none have made a go of it....
For me BBQ and Beer Pub fare. I need a commercial smoker for inside the kitchen, I have always used pellets and enjoyed the Q. Is a Cookshack commercial unit for me? Does it have the same flavor as wood pellet? I need some help if you please.
Thanks..all info is most appreciated.
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I orginally was looking at the professional models of the Traeger system. Even went down and toured the place. They have one (or used to) that you can use as a grill, which might have some merit, depending on how you put together your menu.

As far as smokers, looking for a better smoker, led me to CookShack and if you want to go pellets, I think they are far superior. But also don't over look the electric models for overall ease of use, especially in a fixed facility.
ok, lets try this again. (forum keeps rejecting my posts)
i havent tried either fec or cookshack. i just want to emphasize one point. size does matter.
just make sure you have plenty of room in your smoker for growth of your business. you will need at least a 400lb load capacity, and i would try for 600lb-to a thousand.
otherwise, you may find yourself, in a few years, with these little smokers, scattered all over your kitchen. i just saw one on ebay, for 13,500. its fairly large, i would guess 400lb load.maybe more. just search for 'commercial bbq smoker'
or, just build one.
orry, catfish.. now back to the thread. if i were you, i would seiously investigate the reasoning of th previous failed attempts. was it their food? the location? the staff? the building? the lease? all the above? first, i would contact the precious owners, and have a heart to heart with them, see if they can shed some light on the subject, then create a method of attack, to over-come these obstacles. "fix the leaks, before you go sailing", my friend
peace out!

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