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The "SM150 specific butt" thread touched on selling prices for barbecue. I do some catering for fun and struggle with what to charge. My last gig I only cooked the food and delivered it warm and wrapped in a cooler (they cut the brisket, pulled the pork, etc).

Now they want the same again--just the food--no onsite help. How much would you charge for this? I'll be providing whole briskets, whold pork butts, and sauce (how much do you charge per XX oz's?).

Do you charge per pound of finished weight or take the raw meat costs and multiply by a factor of, say 3?

Tom, your site it helpful but I'd need to adjust those prices down since just providing the food precludes all the services associated with a full-service catering job.

Thanks for your suggestions.
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That is right but remember that 50% shrinkage?! If you paid 1 dollar per pound, now it is 2 dollars a pound.
Anyway....short fpr time, Food cost times 3 plus a little covers everything. In your case, food per pound times 2. Multiply that times 3 or even 2.5 since you are not post prepping. It will still be cheaper than anyone else and you make a dime~ Litterally! lol
i follow the method zeb does but it requires good notes over a period of time. my notes say i get about 40-50% shrinkage average on my fec (and from what i have seen about the same on peggy's sm150). so to use my latest prices i paid .99/lb on bone in butts. this gives me a cooked cost of 1.98/lb if i multiply that by 3 i get 6.00/lb. now figuring in gas for the generators and labor ect. and local pricing i have found i can go as high as 8.00/lb pulled.
on slabs of ribs i make them buy a minimum of two since in the cryovac for 3 1/2 downs from my supplier they come packed 2 to the vac. those go for 18.50/slab
and above all we have a 50.00 minimum with 50% down when the order is placed.
since we run off of generators our biggest concern now is gas prices but to be honest i can run both honda eu3000is gennies for 72 hours at a maximum fuel usage of 14 gals but it is a consideration until you figure in the maximum load of an fec100 and a sm150 (and lord i cant wait for that order!!!)
hope this helps
i sell pulled pork...cooked weight at $5.00 a .lb only if the butts i have bought were .99 cents a pound or below...prep and pull time is minimal since i don't season the butts till after i have pulled them...then i just put the pork in a gallon plastic zip lock and it is good to go...
hi chef hows the biz???
you goning to the callhan event???
bluberry festival...
also i have finally done it...Eight Flags Sauce Co. is my sauce company and is doing well here in fernandina...
yep we will be at callahan.
stop on by
the trailer is ez to find
looks like a big ole belluga whale with 2 red racing hounds on the side!!!
glad ya got the sauce company up and running. wanna swap cold beer for a small 2 oz jar????
ps. with the cost of gas being what it is and peggy booking us at the farmers market we decided that the about the only contests we are going to do for sure is callahan because tom pippin is a really good guy, minneola because the people are so nice there and frank cosmo's contest in winter haven. kinda miss the comps but to be honest the money at the market aint bad and after hearing one team say our greyhound graphics were obscene at 2 different fba contests (said the looked like two dogs humping) i really like making money over headgames. nice part was we kicked their rumps in pulled pork at okeechobee Big Grin
peg and i do hope ya stop by

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