I made three racks of ribs last night in my 008. I was a little disappointed with the results. They tasted good, but they weren't very tender...a little on the tough side. I let them go 7 full hours at 225. They weren't dry, just chewy. The meat wasn't pulling back from the bone much. Trust me, I know "it's done when it's done" but I knew that they were edible, and I was hungry.
I am starting to wonder if my model runs cool. I did a 6 pound butt at 225* and it took 19 hours to get to an internal temp of 190*. I may be overthinking here, but my cook times are really long so far.
What should I do? If I want to test the temp of my smoker, should I just run it with no meat and put a probe in it? What shelf is the best for monitoring the temp?
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