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Hi folks.......been lurking/learning the last few weeks......great forum.

I own a Tex-Mex/Southwestern grill in upstate
NY........been there 20 years.......

Want to add REAL BBQ to the menu....Ribs,Chicken,Pulled Pork and Brisket,with the appropriate sides....

My question.......has anyone added bbq to their menu and did it make a difference?

Like all restaurants,we are splitting the pie with a lot of competition....none BBQ.

I'm figuring once people get a taste for the real thing,it will result in extra visits per year,not counting the catering/takeout
BTW,My wife and I attended the Highland Rotary BBQ class,put on my Jim Boggs
of the "Philly Pigs".....OUTSTANDING FOOD!!
Tender and flavorful without the Kraft bbq
I'm meeting Thursday with Bruce Cohen of Cookshack,who is taking us on a bbq tour,showing us some smokers.....thanks.
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First and foremost, welcome to the board, and hopefully your experience will be as satisfying and amazing as my own experience with this group of people has been. I cannot answer how it would go over adding onto your existing menu, but given that there is minimal bbq competition in your area I am sure that once you get your unique flavor down that your sales will increase. I have found that the word of mouth from your existing customer base will do wonders no and adding onto existing menu would be a great addition.
Again, I wish I could vouch for more, but wanted to more than anything welcome you to the board...


I am in NYC and added the BBQ to the menu last week.

I am rom Arkansas, educated at the great University of Oklahoma and live in Dallas for 20 years.

We have a Cajun and comfort food restaurant in the East Village.

The real key to adding BBq is to really know what good BBq taste like.

Without knowing the taste you don't know if it is anygood.

I Would suggest take a plane ride to Kansas City then go to Dallas then to Memphis.

Lots of BBQ restaurants to go to.

The Cookshack will Smoke it. But you need to learn the taste.

I son't mean to be blunt but in NY there are a lot of BBQ places but just a couple pass hte taste.

If you need any help I will be glad to.

Hey Mike: Never heard of Mt. Kisco referred to as "upstate NY" LOL! I'm in Tarrytown. Been dabbling with the idea of a small BBQ place for years. Do some BBQ parties on the side here. It's amazing how many places are opening up around here and in NYC. Been all through TX, KC, St. Louis and Memphis, tasting Q. Check out my trip notes and pics:
Using Cookshack for about 4-5 years now. We should talk... get together. Maybe pool out efforts! email me back if you're interested. thanks.
This is absolutely amazing to me. I'm so glad NYers are getting into BBQ. We had a culinary student from NY working alongside us trying out her rubs and sauces. She wants to take on NY for takeout. She has the passion and the talent. I think you all better watch out for Shirl!
We always thought the south had the best bbq. It's all good when it's done from the heart, I think.
I hope it catches on up there!
Mr. Burner, kinda off the topic, but if you are ever down this way again, drive to the "bad" side of Taylor and visit Mr. Vencil at the Taylor Cafe. Just a short hop, skip and a jump over from Meullers.

Mr. Vencil appears to be bout 150 yrs old. If he is havin a good day.......... Meullers/ Mikeskas gets all the pub, locals still go see Vencil.

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