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Perhaps just my imagination, but I notice that my leftover reheated ribs are not quite as flavorful as when they are first pulled out of the smoker. Any remedy for this? I typically store them and reheat in foil, I could just as easily reheat in the smoker w/o foil but am a little concerned about drying them out. Any suggestions/ Thx. OS
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I usually do it in the 008 or (in a hurry) the microwave at medium heat (no foil). They are still better than the boiled ribs California friends used to pass for Q, just not as good as fresh out of the smoker. Tom's rejuvenation process sounds good, what type of glaze? BBQ sauce? Pineapple juice/honey? Thx for the help. OS
We use a toaster oven to reheat ribs and they usually come out fairly good. Usually glaze a little as Tom suggested. Like Smokin says, don't over do it.

IMO, Only use a microwave as a last resort & if so, run it at half power. I hate microwaving meat but it is faster. I feel that it takes away from the texture of the meat.

Just my $0.02 Wink
I have had good luck with grilling over direct medium heat for 3-5 minutes with a little glaze. Another good method is to use a foodsaver or similar machine to vaccuum pack them before storing/freezing them. I store almost all of my leftover smoked meats like this so I can just throw them in a pot of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. They are very good like this and mine taste like (or very close) to just coming out of the smoker.

I have never tried the broiler but it sounds like it should work good as well.

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