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As expected there's pulled pork left over from the "family tradition" pulled pork feast for Christmas Eve.

I've seen comments re storing with apple-vinegar sauce and reheating that. I think that I've also seen comments re not reheating in the oven, since it'll dry the meat out.

But, if I want to be able to use different sauces on the sandwiches, how should I store and reheat the leftovers?

Thanks for any suggestions,
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I always cook at lease twice the amount and use seal them with vac seal machines and freeze them and thing like briskets and butts all I have to do is boil them in the bag and they come out great still taste the smoke.I did this with ribs and we had them for Christmas and I covered them with foil and warmed them up in a low oven.If you reheat in the oven just reheat them in foil to keep them from drying out.
As so the problem, because all of the moisture (from the fat) was rendered out, if you didn't freeze them right away, the pork dries out.

I use the apple/vinegar mop from the Pork 101. I don't think it overpowers the pork on the reheat. I just soak the meat, put in a food saver bag and vacuum. Reheat in the pouch, comes out great.

You just need to figure out how you want to prepare it when it come outs.

If you're going to sauce them, just sauce them before you freeze them, then reheat in the sauce.

Or add some moisture, such as some bland chicken stock (something with little flavor) or a little water and freeze.

The key in reheating is to not Cook them, but only bring it up to temp. Too hot of a reheat and it will dry out.

I've seen others use crockpots with the sauce on top.


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