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Maiden voyage with a CS 009 was a success, with two 7lb pork butts. I know absolutely zero about smoking or BBQing anything, so thank heavens I'd read this forum first and had a sense of the amount of time it would take! Learning from others, I put an oil drip pan under the the unit and am glad I did, as I noticed a very small drip of fat from the back of the unit.

After I was done and cleaned everything I tracked the leak down using a flashlight to a small gap in the weld seam along the back, below the burner element. I was thinking I'd probably just use some JB Weld to patch over it. I'm pretty sure there's no problem using JB on stainless and I can't imagine once it's cured that fumes or whatever would be a problem. If this is a bad idea for any reason, let me know.

Great forum, except for reading it makes me hungry.
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Talked to a tech at CS and he said JB would be fine if I wanted to. He also mentioned that depending on how small the gap was, it might actually seal off on its own after a few more uses. I hadn't thought of that and indeed it might (mine is a very small void). Similar to the way I guess some doors seal better after a while - although my door was leak-free from the get-go.

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