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Tonight we had ribs which turned out great. In the past I have always had baked beans, cold slaw, black eyed peas and okra, or potato salad as the side dish with ribs. This time we prepared seafood jambalaya rather than being inhibited. I guess we have never used our imagination before. It was a nice complement to the ribs. I am always looking for new ideas for side dishes. Does anyone have other ideas for this lad with a limited imagination?
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How about something non-traditional? We often have saffron rice with smoked chicken. It's a spicy enough flavor to kind of "hold up" against the chicken, but different. Plus, it's got a pretty color. Probably work with ribs, too.

A recipe which feeds two generously:

1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp butter
as big a pinch saffron as you can afford
1/4 tsp turmeric
pinch white pepper
1 cup parboiled rice - like Uncle Ben's
2 1/2 cups water
1 tsp salt

Heat oil and butter in heavy 2 qt saucepan. Add spices and stir until oil becomes colored. Stir in rice. Continue stirring rice until it's lightly browned. Add water and salt. Cover pan. Bring to boil, then lower heat and simmer about 25 minutes. Add additional salt if needed.

With this, we often have sliced cucumbers, either in sour cream with dill or in water with a bit of cider vinegar, a spoonful of salt, and a pinch of sugar, pepper, and dill.

Add corn on the cob and a tender, spicy, smoky whole chicken for a really fine hot weather meal.
This turned out to be the most popular dish at my birthday party. Got high raves!

Andi's Mexican Rice Salad

The Rice:

2 c. raw white rice, rinsed until the water turns clear
4 c. chix broth, low sodium
1 heaping tsp. cumin seed
1 heaping tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. butter

Rinse and drain the rice. Melt the butter in your rice pan and when it foams, add the cumin seed and chili powder. Worry that around until well fragrant. About 3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover, and cook for 25 minutes. Spread cooked rice in a shallow pan (9X13 works) and turn it now and then with a butter knife to cool to lukewarm. When lukewarm, dress with the following:

The Dressing:

1 1/2 c. olive or canola oil
1/2 c. red wine vinegar
2 tsp. minced garlic
2 tsp. oregano leaves
2 tsp. chli powder
1 tsp. powdered cumin
1 pickled habanero or a couple of jalepenos

Put all in the blender and whirl like crazy. Or shake in a jar. Pour over lukewarm rice, stirring well, and cool.

When cool, stir in the following:

2 diced avacados
6 quartered cherry tomatoes
1 large can chopped black olives
1/4 c. jicama, diced small
6 green onions, sliced with tops

Reef salad for a few hours or overnight to blend flavors. Serve at room temp. This salad is wonderful! Enjoy! Feeds about 8 folks.

Message ahead from your Forum Moderator

Tjr, Andi...Hey, don't post recipes in the posts (if you can please, please, help me.)

Later when I move this post, titled "RIBS" into the rib archive, your great recipes might get lost and everyone won't benefit from your great and wonderful ideas.

Here's the hint...hint...

Please post recipes in the recipe archive (did I say please) and put a note in your post here that you've added it there.

Is that too demanding from the moderator?

I did say please Big Grin
Now you know why everything I cook has to turn out right the first time. Too spendy to screw up! Made a better cook outta me, I guess.

Freakin' yellow onions are $1.47 a pound! When the tourists come, the prices double. That's called Community Support! I luv you, Safeway! NOT! Mad

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