This is Number 1 salmon roe. The cannery has a surplus. It's inspected and hand-packed by Japanese Roe Techs. Anyway, I can't make trades as I'm selling it for them for a 10.00 a kilo kick-back. The price is still 1/4 of what you would pay wholesale, and you'd have to sell your house to buy this much retail.
Haven't been doing much smoking lately, so haven't been on here much. It's 13 below zero and plans to stay that was for a week! No like this! I just got me a new goat and I need to spend time with her, but it's too damn cold! Poor thing is out there all alone! Too cold for the dog, even.
I plan on light-smoking some red snapper and then pickling it next week. Good stuff, Maynard! Scored 500 lbs. of Red Salmon! We keep it outside, cuz, like...who needs a freezer in this weather? Anyway, that's plenty to begin my Fishwurst operation right after New Years.