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Have had nothing but sucess with my new smokette, so I didn't think it might be a problem, but there is smoke and condensation that you can see around the edge of the door to my smoker during operation.
Does everyone else see the same or can it be a flaw in the smoker door.
Like I said, the results are fine. I'm just wondering if they could be better

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CS ships the doors and they're made a certain way with a very small gap.

That's why there is a little smoke that escapes for the first couple of smokes.

After a number of seasonings and smokes, it usually disappears.

Stuart would have to jump in about how long it usually takes and what to do about it.

Make sure there are no "crusties" that stick between the door and the front edges.

When in CS customer service, but I wouldn't do that until you've had maybe 10 smokes or so.

I guess I must be missin' somethin'.

A quick answer is "forgetaboutit"

Is there a reason we don't ever want to see a wisp of smoke?

Is it in a pristine environment,surrounded by white lace,a society that thinks smokin' is evil?

Is it like rice,"if you lift the lid-it will never steam again"?

Is it like a refrigerator,where you watch it to see if the icemaker will dump?

If we were to have 1% less smoke go out the vent ,would the product be less smoked to our taste?

I guess I'm a little tired today and totally impressed with the CS.

I just spent Saturday cooking from 0500 to 2200 hrs with three inches of rain ,high winds, and the lightning center of the nation.

Sunday cooking[0500-2130 hrs] picked up with a new record of six inches of rain,the winds slowed to 15 mph,and the lightning was just entertaining.

I have a beach umbrella mount available, where I cook, and outdoor electric.

The CS got wet a lot,mopped off a lot,and never missed a beat.

The cooking area stayed ankle deep much of the time.

The storms completely drowned out two polder units.I have more.

I wish the darn thing would have leaked smoke a little more,to save trips out during the lightning bolts. Wink

A lot of the pleasure to me is seeing that light smoke roll during an all nighter,see it moving in the wind,without having to walk out and stick my hand over the vent to see if I can smell smoke.

If we quit worrying about the things we can measure,quit looking to see if there is something that is out of line with "perfection",put the meat in a proven machine,don't mess with it too much,relax,enjoy the folks around you and have a cold beer-life becomes fun and somewhat simple.

Just my $0.02 worth and I apologize for long days on the cooker-but I'd never trade it.

Big Grin

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