OK, I�m going to throw a monkey wrench into the nitrite smoke-ring debate.
First, it�s not nitrites that cause the pink smoke ring, it�s actually nitric oxide. Nitrites get converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide gets absorbed by myoglobin in the meat. If the meat is cold-cured, such as a country style ham, it will have a deep red color. This deep red color is caused by the nitric oxide myoglobin. When the myoglobin gets heated, aka cooked, it turns pink yielding the beloved smoke-ring.
Given the fact that nitric oxide is a byproduct of combustion, it seems logical to conclude that there are no nitrites or nitrates in smoke. It�s the nitric oxide (NO) gas that�s created by burning wood that causes the smoke-ring.
A fun experiment just came to mind: Since nitric oxide gas is produced by internal combustion engines, a person could create a smoke-ring by running the exhaust of the ol� lawnmower into a box containing a brisket. Theoretically, this will produce a smoke-ring, albeit an inedible one.
Here are a few reference sites that will provide more detail on all this:
www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/nutrition/DJ0974.htmlwww.uga.edu/nchfp/how/cure_smoke/nitrates_nitrites.htmlsavell-j. tamu.edu/curing.htmlsavell-j.tamu.edu/curing.htmlwww.fsis.usda.gov/OA/pubs/pinkturk.htmWhile searching, I found an article that talks about nitric oxide and it�s role in the human body. Apparently, nitric oxide is produced and secreted by cells lining the inner wall of blood vessels, causing them to widen thus increasing the flow of blood. Now here�s where it gets good, at least good fodder for BBQ contest bragging, lying, and story telling. During sexual stimulation, nerves in the penis release nitric oxide�[snip]�causing the spongy tissue of the penis to fill with blood and become erect. The article goes on to say that this discovery led to the development of Viagra. So, any bragging lying story telling barbecuer worth his weight in salt would conclude that eating smoked meats is responsible for his�, well let�s call it his stout manliness.
dsm.softstone.net/article.cfm?aid=16&sid=6There you go ladies. The next time he wants to Q instead of mow the lawn don�t complain. He�s doing it all for you.