Main ingredients:
* 8lbs (approx.) boneless whole pork shoulder
* 4 yellow onions, skin removed
* 2 green bell peppers
Rub Ingredients:
* 2 tablespoons smoked black pepper
* 2 tablespoons kosher salt
* 1 tablespoon fennel seed
* 1 tablespoon dill weed
* 2 tablespoons pimenton
* 1 bay leaf, finely crumbled
* 3/4 tablespoon onion powder
* 1/2 tablespoon crushed hot pepper flakes
* 1/2 tablespoon oregano
* 1/2 tablespoon basil
* 1/2 cup fresh parsely
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 6-8 cloves garlic, chopped
1. Combine all seasonings, garlic and oil in a mini food proceesor ( aka magic bullet at my house) and pulse blend
2. Unroll pork shoulder and rub pork all over with salt, then spice paste, place in a large plastic bag ( I put mine in a vaccum back sealer bag and suck the air out of it)
3. Let the shoulder stand at room temp 1-2 hours or up to 12 hours in the refrigerator, then allow to stand at room temp for 1-2 hours
4. Prep your smoker, whatever that may be for your setup.
5. Place pork, fat-side up in your smoker
6. Top with any loose seasonings from the bag
7. After about 6 hours of cooking , add the onions and peppers
8. Cook veggies unitl tender and the pork until the internal temperature reached 170 degrees.
9. Let the pork rest 15 minutes before slicing
10. Using a meat slicer or carving knife cut thin slice slices for sandwiches
11. Julianne the onions and peppers and toss with olive oil
12. Spead mayonnaise on both sides of bun, layer with meat, onions and peppers
13. Eat yummy tasting samis!
Personal Note:
* This is by far is one of my favorites things to smoke. The rub is a little different as it is a wet rub.