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So I don't get flamed...I already searched and found great stuff! But....

I own a fishing pond and plan to smoke butterflied rainbow trout for sale and / or people to trade their live fish for....

I think I will need to have 100 or so on hand every weekend day and 100 should get me through the All these fish are approximately 1 lb or so that I will be smoking...I think I can probably get 6 on a rack, therefore the larger 55 will really only help by 12 fish at a time right? Or let's say I can get 10 on each rack, it will help by 20 per time right?

I am speaking with a guy on this forum about purchasing his you think that is a mistake? Keep in mind that I will be at the pond ALL THE TIME, and since it is so simple to do I can probably do 2-3 batches per day if necessary....or the employees can!

Any thoughts?

Also, anyone know of any larger used models? Don't want to blow all my "spring advertising" money all in one wack! Ha Ha
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Flamed, hey, we don't flame here...not usually, just if you don't search Wink

You already seem to have the answers, how many per rack and so. We you need to decided is how you want to set up this production.

You can certainly turn on the smoker and just let it go all day long. Your quantities will be limited with a smokette and even if you did 20, you'd have to smoke 5 times a day.

Does this fit for the flow of people? When will they be coming and will you be able to have enough on hand? Are you selling it right out of the smoker, or sealing it in a Food Saver and selling it "already smoked"?

Also, you didn't share, but how do you prepare your trout? Might have an impact on your sequence during the day and how much you can get out.

Both those smokers have the same size grill, the difference being the number of grills in each. Also remember, on the bottom tray of both of those, they're closest to the heat source, so you'll have to rotate them to keep from over cooking.

Thanks for the response, Mr. Okie.

I plan to butterfly the trout and remove the backbone. This is how I have done it at home with pretty good success. I will NOT try and remove every bone and I will have a disclaimer spelling that out.

I think I will need approx. 300 whole trout per week. (I hope I do!) If that is the case, I may need the biggie. I would rather not sell the trout straight from the smoker, but of course I will! Therefore I guess it is important to build up a stockpile right! Problem is, my plan was really to smoke 'em as other people catch them to limit my liability in case they don't sell! Oh darn, I guess I will have to go catch 100 fish to build a base!!!

If I can smoke conservatively 20 per batch and do 4 batches per day I think I will be okay. Also, like I said above, I won't have anything to smoke until people trade theirs in anyway so maybe the smaller one will be okay.

That being said, any idea how long a vacuum packed trout will last? Should I freeze it or fridgie?

Thanks again!

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