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Replies sorted oldest to newest This is a link that I just found that talks about what internal temp to cook it to. Just scroll Down a little and you will find sausage mentioned. I don't know where that will bring you as far as time, I always like to know because it helps in meal prep., I am guessing u can use a probe if u r making the fat sausage. My guess would be not much wood because the cook time wouldn't too long, maybe 2 oz. If I had to try and guess I would say cook at 250 or 300, then maybe there is a chance the skins may crisp a little. I am sure someone else with more experience will chime in. Did u do a search on the forum.
Although the higher temp will work, I'd cook them at a lower temp like 210-225*. Let them lay in the smoke longer. Some hot smoke them at 180-190*.

Here's what I did hot smoking some garlic sausages. I've switched the Italian for the Garlic and proceeded the some way. You could use pecan, oak or fruitwood and get great results.

Unless your sausages are huge like mine were, they won't take 2.5 hrs. Go by temp. 160* internal, and they're done. Some cook to 155*.
Last edited by pags
SmokinOkie, I guess we both have those search engine skills Smiler and recognize good info when we see it. Vicki

By the way have you or anyone else used the high temp cheeses I am seeing on various websites in your home made sausages? Is it a highly chemicaled (not a word, but..)product, or would you recommened it/ My youngest son likes cheddar in his sausage.

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